🦄 Arts & Culture, Eco

Solecast 26 w/ Adam Brock On Social Permaculture & Urban Gardening

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Solecast 26 is with Adam Brock co-founder of the Growhaus.  Adam is a permaculturist, activist and educator. Growhaus is: “a nonprofit indoor farm, marketplace and educational center in Denver’s Elyria-Swansea neighborhood. Their vision is a world where all communities…

🦄 Arts & Culture

Solecast 23 w/ Flobots on Music, Resistance, & Comic Books

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Solecast 23 features an in-depth discussion with the legendary Denver hip-hop band The Flobots. The conversation mainly focuses on their “No Enemies” project, which updates popular songs to employ at demos, actions and protests. No Enemies…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Community

Ninth Annual Art Sled Rally in South Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Today, an unusually warm and rainy Saturday in late January, South Minneapolis’s own Powderhorn Park hosted hundreds of community members who both participated in and watched the 9th Annual Art Sled Rally.
Hilarity ensued.

Ninth Annual Art Sled Rally in South Minneapolis…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 28

Ep. 28: #Mizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 #BlackOnCampus #ClimateChange #KeystoneXL #Enbridge #Hackers #CWA #Anonymous #Securus #PrisonMonitoring #MMM2015 #CopsLie #BlackLivesMatter #Turkey #Silvan #SilvanUnderAttack #Palestine #Justice4KeithLamar

For episode 28 of Deprogram we start at the University of Missouri, where a hunger strike to combat the systemic racial injustices on…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 27

Ep. 27: #Scumoween #BlackLivesMatter #Austin #LarryJackson #StLouis #KajiemePowell #StopTheCops #FundBlackFutures #TurkeyVotes #TurkeyElections #Australia #AsylumSeekers #EvrosFence #OpenEUborders #RefugeesGr #Sweden #Malmö #Colectiv #Romania #KeystoneXL #DumpDominion #ClimateGames #COP21 #FreeJessieB #StopEnbridge #BareBones

Because of technical difficulties the show was split into segments:

For the first “Deprogram” episode in November,…

🦄 Arts & Culture

Southside Battletrain Clamors Through Streets of Minneapolis

“The Southside Battletrain is South Minneapolis builders, welders, engineers, artists, and neighbors who collaborate to create interactive art spectacles for and by the community. Our project began in 2008 as a pedal-powered Ice-Fishing Shanty, and is now a human-powered train seven cars long.” – source…