🦄 Police

March for Justice Challenges Back the Blue in Minneapolis Suburb

Bloomington, MN – Small shoving matches broke out as hundreds on a ‘March for Justice’ demo walked past a ‘Back the Blue’ rally at Bloomington’s Civic Center on July 25. Some pushed, some swore, some threatened, and others watched small groups of people on both…

🦄 COVID-19

Minneapolis Park Police Displace Sanctuary Encampment

Minneapolis, MN – On Monday, July 20, dozens of houseless people were displaced and about 20 people were arrested as law enforcement executed an eviction of the eastern portion of a sanctuary tent encampment in Powderhorn Park.
After the raid, Unicorn Riot spoke to community…

🦄 Community
image: a Black woman speaks into a megaphone. She is wearing a fabric mask on her face which is pulled down to allow her speech into the megaphone to be unimpaired. The black fabric mask reads "Guns Down Love Up" -- all the words are white except love is in red. Behind her a protester wearing a mask takes a photo using her smart phone.

Saint Paul Rally Calls for End to Gun Violence

St. Paul, MN – Following the death of George Floyd, community members rallied to end gun violence last Friday amidst an uptick in homicides throughout the Twin Cities. Year-to-date the number of homicides in Minneapolis has nearly doubled.
Marea Perry, mother of a gun violence…

🦄 Community

MN Freedom Fighters Form A Community Safety Net

Minneapolis, MN – An armed security force, the MN Freedom Fighters, are now a regular sight providing security at protests and patrolling Broadway Avenue.
It started via a call out for a community patrol group for the Northside from Minneapolis NAACP’s President, Leslie Redmond, a…

🦄 Police
Thousands march down Lake St in Minneapolis for Breonna Taylor

Minneapolis March Demanding Justice for Breonna Taylor Draws Thousands

Minneapolis, MN – Breonna Taylor’s tragic killing in March 2020 is illustrative of the systemic anti-Black prejudice extant in the United States, and the continued failure at nearly every level of state involvement to provide liberty and justice to Black Americans. State law enforcement officials…

🦄 Uncategorized

From Juneteenth in Minneapolis to Jawnteenth in Philadelphia

Minneapolis, MN – The historic movement for Black lives that has recently permeated the globe reinvigorated 2020’s Juneteenth celebrations. On June 19, 2020, Unicorn Riot reporters documented from two of these celebrations; ‘Jawnteenth’ in West Philadelphia and a celebration in North Minneapolis at a Cub…