🦄 Labor
CTU Strike

No Deal Reached as CTU Strike Continues Into Day 12

Chicago, IL – The CTU (Chicago Teachers Union) remains on strike for the 12th day after no agreement could be reached over the weekend. Monday marks the eighth day of missed classes, as compared to seven missed days of class during the 2012 CTU strike.…

🦄 Labor

Chicago Teachers and Allies Rally as Strike Continues

Chicago, IL – Unicorn Riot covered a labor rally in solidarity with the ongoing Chicago Teachers Union strike. The strike enters its tenth day and began October 17, 2019.
Teachers in Chicago are calling for smaller class sizes, adequate nurses, librarians, social workers, and teachers…

🦄 Labor

Minneapolis Labor History Honored at 85th Anniversary of 1934 Strike

St. Paul, MN — This weekend in 2019 marks the 85 anniversary of the 1934 Teamsters Strike in Minneapolis, which began when coal drivers were organized to strike through the coldest part of the Minnesota winter by leftist members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.…

🦄 Labor

Amazon Workers Strike on Prime Day in Shakopee, Minnesota

Shakopee, MN – Over 100 employees at ‘MSP1’, a large Amazon warehouse in Minnesota, plan a four-hour work stoppage at the peak of business on Amazon’s “Prime Day” sales promotion event.

Workers say that demanding quotas and pressure to perform at high speeds causes undue…

🦄 Labor

Denver Teacher Strike a Success Amid Nationwide Walkouts

Denver, CO – After three days of striking and late nights of negotiating, many Denver teachers returned to their classrooms on Thursday, February 14, 2019 after a tentative agreement was struck between the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) and Denver Public Schools (DPS).
The agreement…

🦄 Labor

Thousands Rally in Support of Striking Oakland Teachers

Oakland, CA – On Thursday, February 21, 2019, thousands of teachers, students, union organizers and community supporters rallied in downtown Oakland in a show of support for local teachers as they started their first day of striking. Represented by the Oakland Education Association, teachers walked…

🦄 Labor

Prison Slave Labor: A Driving Force in 2018 Prison Strike

Prison, USA – One of the primary demands of the 2018 nationwide prison strike is the abolition of prison slavery. The legal framework of the current system of prison slavery in America is upheld by the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which allows for…