🦄 Labor

Minneapolis Teacher Strike Tentative Contract Voting Results Due Sunday Night

Minneapolis, MN – Despite premature messaging by the Minneapolis Public School district (MPS) that the Minneapolis teacher strike had “ended,” the strike isn’t over until the union takes a vote. The results of this weekend’s vote by the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Local 59 will…

🦄 Labor

District Strike Messaging Draws Ire of Parents, Students, Educators

Minneapolis, MN – Messaging by the Minneapolis Public School district (MPS) during the teachers strike has drawn the ire of parents, students, and union members alike.

After students occupying the district’s headquarters said they were “tired” of MPS using the media to say negative things…

🦄 Labor

Chicago Teachers and Allies Rally as Strike Continues

Chicago, IL – Unicorn Riot covered a labor rally in solidarity with the ongoing Chicago Teachers Union strike. The strike enters its tenth day and began October 17, 2019.
Teachers in Chicago are calling for smaller class sizes, adequate nurses, librarians, social workers, and teachers…

🦄 Labor

Denver Teacher Strike a Success Amid Nationwide Walkouts

Denver, CO – After three days of striking and late nights of negotiating, many Denver teachers returned to their classrooms on Thursday, February 14, 2019 after a tentative agreement was struck between the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) and Denver Public Schools (DPS).
The agreement…

🦄 Labor

Thousands Rally in Support of Striking Oakland Teachers

Oakland, CA – On Thursday, February 21, 2019, thousands of teachers, students, union organizers and community supporters rallied in downtown Oakland in a show of support for local teachers as they started their first day of striking. Represented by the Oakland Education Association, teachers walked…