🦄 LGBTQ+, Police

Noisy Philly Counter-Demo Challenges ‘TERFs’ at Independence Hall

Philadelphia, PA – On Sunday, November 13, 100+ counter-demonstrators tried to drown out about 30 protesters who were demonstrating against transgender people’s access to medical transitions, recognition of chosen gender and other rights near Independence Hall. The counter-demo side characterized them as “TERFs” or ‘Trans-Exclusionary…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

DATA RELEASE: Server Logs Reveal Neofascist Tactics

Charlottesville, VA – Server logs from Discord chat rooms used by neo-nazis, the so-called “alt-right” and paramilitary militias that were leaked to us earlier in August have shed light on various aspects of the internal organizing and networking that led up to Unite The Right.…

🦄 Racism & Far-Right

Hiding Hate Crimes: Prosecutor Goes Easy on Attempted Murderers

Minneapolis, MN – On March 15th, 2016 white-supremacist Allen Lance Scarsella appeared in court for being the shooter of 5 unarmed Black protestors at the #Justice4Jamar protests in late November 2015. His case was continued until June 13, giving Scarsella’s side time to review evidence.…