Patriot Front Members Exposed in Parking Lot Clusterf*ck
Set of Police Encounters Expose Mid-Atlantic Neo-Nazis After Vehicles Damaged
Fort Washington, MD – On Dec. 4, 2021 around 250 members of the neo-nazi group Patriot Front marched through Washington, D.C. wearing white masks. With aesthetics echoing the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi Germany, they stopped to rally by the Capitol as their leader Thomas Rousseau dedicated a speech to “we the people born to a nation of the European race.”
Patriot Front would encounter antifascist sabotage that night, leaving numerous vehicles damaged or inoperative, according to an anonymous communique released weeks later.
Members quickly called the police to report damage to their cars. While the law enforcement response has not led to the arrest of any antifascist saboteurs, it did generate a set of reports and videos now obtained by Unicorn Riot. Patriot Front’s yearly national event ended in humiliation, almost $10,000 in damage and ultimately led to the identification of dozens of formerly anonymous members.
The hour-long video below contains every pertinent angle of the evening’s debacle. Unicorn Riot’s video investigation combined video from four different police body cameras to identify five formerly unnamed Patriot Front neo-nazis. This comprehensive documentation of the initial response to Patriot Front’s 911 call that night gives us an intimately detailed cops-eye view of the ironic and bizarre events that unfolded. Police reports documenting damaged vehicles also identify several formerly unnamed fascists.
The following report and videos retrace the movements of the neo-nazi group that night, including multiple police body camera angles, and panic over public exposure.
This report is part of our series on Patriot Front. Additional resources: 400GB+ of Leaks • Guide to leaked media files • 17 hours of leaked meetings • Chat records on our DiscordLeaks platform • Our Far-right Investigations Desk page • 2018 Report on Patriot Front
Report Sections: Body Cameras & Reports Show Movements • Lowy Sets Police into Action • McClain Checks Parking Lot • Four Detained • Released After Advising Feds • Detainee Profiles: Noyce • Tredinnick • Brown • Dail • Video: Vehicle Exchange Trashed • Most Had Done Racist Vandalism • Clement • O’Leary • Sargent • Guthrie • Lowy • Van Horn • Patrick • Sieber • Springer • Turetchi • Degelau • Hermann • Paule • Additional Media & Files
Prince George’s County Police Body Cameras & Reports Show Details of Neonazi Group’s Movements
Newly released police body camera footage and crime reports obtained by Unicorn Riot show that Patriot Front added insult to their own injury by attracting police scrutiny to their parking spot. One fleeing member driving on rims with slashed tires called the police; this led to a puzzled group of police grilling other Patriot Front members — whom they briefly suspected vandalized their own group’s property.
Initially, police responded courteously to the Patriot Front member’s 911 call about damaged cars. But officers slowly became suspicious when the fascists improvised thin lies about what they and their fellow members were up to. In awkward exchanges with police the squirming young racists would not say “Patriot Front” out loud, contradicting the proud, boisterous image the group projects in its online propaganda.
While the group was mobilizing in the nation’s capital to demand a whites-only ‘ethnostate’ in America, antifascists were smashing, scratching and painting their vehicles parked at Riverview Park in Fort Washington, Maryland. A communique by the anonymous anti-nazi saboteurs describes the action:
“As darkness fell back at the vehicle exchange site, antifascists converged on the parking lot. Comrades filtered in between rows of vehicles, swiftly redecorating and improving them. ‘Jason NY,’ who had been left on guard duty, was working on his laptop in his truck when he noticed teams of antifascists moving around the parking lot just outside his windows. He immediately hit the gas pedal, peeled out of the parking lot, and sped away down the dark road on tires that would soon fail him… According to Patriot Front’s leaked chat logs, there should have been four other Patriot Front members present at the vehicle exchange that evening; comrades saw no sign of them, however, and were left free to complete their redecoration projects and return to their homes safely.”
— Anonymous antifascist communique
Patriot Front notes estimate their members incurred well over $8,000 in damage expenses after insurance. Unicorn Riot tapped into public records to uncover additional information from the incident.
“During the afternoon hours of 4-December, members of the Patriot Front organization used Riverview Community Park as a staging-and-parking area in advance of a demonstration in Washington DC (they were transported between Riverview and Washington in rented U-Haul trucks). After the demonstration ended, they returned to Riverview where they discovered that an unknown person(s) had damaged most, if not all, of their personal and leased vehicles: the vehicles had been spray-pained, scratched, their tires flattened, their windows smashed. The group contacted police for assistance. In total, about seventeen cars were damaged; thirteen members of the group asked for police reports.”
– Maryland Park Police report
Kevin Lowy Sets Police Response into Action, Quickly Regrets It
Patriot Front member Kevin James Mannion Lowy (known as ‘Jason NY‘ inside Patriot Front) was supposed to keep an eye on the parking lot while everyone else was in D.C., but at some point after encountering antifascists, he took off in a truck with damaged tires and called the police.
Lowy tried to fabricate a sketchy narrative about mysterious attackers to the police, then panicked when he realized the police body camera from his encounter would be a public record. By examining related media, Unicorn Riot found Lowy was likely the most critical member of Patriot Front exposed in the vehicle debacle, due to his logistical and social media responsibilities.
Lowy repeatedly claimed ignorance about the motives of the people who “attacked” him, telling officers “I don’t know what they wanted.” Although he told officers he didn’t know who damaged his truck, leaked messages sent about ten minutes before police arrived show he believed the saboteurs were “antifa.”
But once police arrived to take his report, Lowy did not mention “antifa” at all. This was likely part of an improvised strategy to garner police assistance while trying to avoid law enforcement scrutiny towards Patriot Front, which openly harasses and intimidates minorities, often knowingly breaking the law to do so.

Lowy initially told officers that his friends were “hiking” while he waited with their cars. He later admitted that they were actually “marching in DC” at a “right wing… patriot protest” but falsely told officers that “I didn’t want to go, I’m not interested in what they’re doing, really” — as if he had been dragged into carpooling for the event by friends. Prince George’s County Police Corporal Yordy Diaz, the first cop to respond to the 911 call, parroted Lowy’s false statement to other officers arriving on site, telling Officer Douglas McMillan that “he’s not a part of it.” (Diaz would catch on to Lowy’s deception later.)
Lowy’s fabrications to officers are illustrated by leaked Patriot Front photos and videos from the previous 48 hours. One image dated Dec. 3, 2021 shows Lowy wearing a radio while conferring with Patriot Front organizer Graham Jones Whitson (‘Mason TX‘) during a planning discussion at Patriot Front’s rented campsite in Unionville, VA. On a video from the morning of December 4, Lowy is seen holding a radio at Riverview Park while directing Patriot Front members into a U-Haul truck. Lowy was clearly a logistical operator for Patriot Front on the same day he called 911 and lied about being unaffiliated.

Corporal Dale Sollars: “What are they protesting in DC?”
Kevin Lowy (‘Jason NY‘): “Uh, it’s a right wing protest… A Patriot protest. Some of my friends… I brought some, we carpooled. I didn’t want to go, I’m not interested in what they’re doing, really. But they asked me to go with them. And I waited there.”
In reality, as a trusted member of Patriot Front, Lowy was on guard duty that night as part of his official duties for the neo-nazi group, while also managing sock puppet Twitter accounts to promote the march. Thus he was distracted when the vehicles were sabotaged.
Hardly an innocent bystander who got roped in, Lowy was involved in sensitive management and administration tasks to help keep the group running. Tasked with tracking “activism” and “distribution numbers” for member’s of Patriot Front’s ‘Network 10’ (NY, PA & NJ), he was involved in a leaked ‘leadership chat’ and helped edit the group’s official propaganda videos.
Acting as ‘Interview Coordinator’ before getting demoted, Lowy’s leaked chats show that during November and December 2021 he took part in at least 10 Patriot Front recruitment interviews. In a leaked discussion he explained that Patriot Front interviewers “do not let the interviewees know that we have racial / ethnic requirements…If they are non-white we will end the interview.”
Lowy’s leaked chats also show that he went to a conference of the neo-nazi National Justice Party (founded by disgraced podcaster Mike Peinovich), attended white power rock concerts and cracked Holocaust jokes about turning people into lampshades.
A police report lists Kevin Lowy as residing at an address in Mahopac, NY (misspelled ‘Mattpac’ on the document). Mahopac is about an hour’s drive from New York City, where Lowy’s Patriot Front chapter is tied to numerous incidents of racially-motivated vandalism.
The truck Lowy drove, registered to his father Michael at an address in the Bronx, was used to transport three other members – ‘Nick NY,‘ Wayne NY,’ and ‘Charles NY’ – to the the Patriot Front rally. In a private chat channel for leaders of Patriot Front’s Network 10, Lowy aka ‘Jason NY‘ wrote “got all the top tier goyim with me,” using the Yiddish word for non-Jews often appropriated in online antisemitic slang.
After getting his dad’s damaged truck home, Lowy bragged in Patriot Front chat rooms about his success in creating a fake online viral narrative to boost Patriot Front’s march. “My video from a fake journo account… is the most viewed video of the event by far,” he boasted in a Dec. 5 message. Lowy’s social media manipulation campaign involved exaggerating the size of the event and posting “a video of the march that looks like it was shot by an unaffiliated pedestrian.” He later claimed his use of fake accounts to promote Patriot Front led to the FBI contacting his parents.
In days after the incident, Lowy repeatedly told Patriot Front members that he saw a gun in the hand of someone outside his truck, but he told police that night that he didn’t actually see a gun or any object pointed at him. Regardless, Patriot Front members that night repeated the likely-tall tale that “a group of guys showed up… and forced the watch people out with guns.”
Responding officers appeared generally unmoved by Lowy’s agitated recounting of events, telling each other they couldn’t verify any of his claims except that vandalism occurred. “I swear to you, everything I said is truthful,” Lowy falsely assured them.

“Ever since you first mentioned they’re hiking, you know, as soon as you mentioned that they’re protesting, that’s you know, you gotta come through with the story right away. You know? Because that, that just takes the credibility out of you. Okay, you don’t want that, alright?”
– Corporal Yordy Diaz, Prince George’s County Police, to Kevin Lowy aka ‘Jason NY‘
Lowy appeared to panic when he asked Prince George’s County Police Corp. Diaz, if his body camera was running: “Is it gonna be public?” He grabbed his head and whispered “Oh fuck” after Diaz confirmed his body camera was recording and generating a public record.

Lowy said he was afraid “the people who did this are probably going to get that footage.” Diaz asked, “why would they target you specifically?”
Lowy’s evasive answer, “Politics… Because of politics…” conveniently side-stepped the reasons why antifascists damaged his property – namely, that he is an officer of a group that wants to eliminate all Jewish and non-white people from the United States.
“I called the police when I was attacked and the responding officers wore bodycams. So the anarchists that attacked me would know where to look. That footage is public to anybody who wants it and it’d make good content for them: ‘Look at this nazi running to the cops’.”
– Kevin Lowy (aka ‘Jason NY’) in a leaked RocketChat direct message to Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau on Dec. 5, 2021
Patriot Front members’ reluctance to own up to their genocidal ideology forms the main tension in that night’s recorded police interactions. The young men do their best to casually joke, smile and bond over small talk with a team of mostly Black and Hispanic cops whom they would happily send to a gas chamber or concentration camp if their fascist political vision became a reality. (Only one of the six Prince George’s County cops who responded to Lowy’s call that night – Corporal Dale Sollars – is white.)
Officer McClain Investigates the Parking Lot
After joining the response to Lowy’s 911 call, Prince George’s County Police Officer Ryan McClain drove to Riverview Park, the site of Patriot Front’s “vehicle exchange” where dozens of vehicles parked before the carpooling fascists all crammed into U-Haul trucks for a smelly, airless hour-long ride to D.C.
[The Riverview Community Center, whose lot Patriot Front filled that night, is listed online as the location of the Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts (CAAPA).]
Arriving in his police cruiser at the Center’s parking lot, Officer McClain noticed that virtually all the parked cars were smashed up and covered in paint, and had exclusively out-of-state tags. McClain seemingly was unaware of Patriot Front at the time, misreading the “Patriot Fail” graffiti on one nazi chapter’s bus as “Patriots Fan,” causing police to speculate the incident was sports-related.

McClain also mistakenly suspected that some of the damaged vehicles were “rec center vans” that were “not involved” with the group. They were actually passenger vans rented by Patriot Front to shuttle members to their weekend campsite in Unionville, VA. (Training videos from the campsite attracted national attention when Unicorn Riot leaked the material in January 2022.)

Despite the fact that the local police were clueless about their group and its presence at the park, Patriot Front leadership set its members up for trouble by directing their national group of 200+ members to park in a lot that became closed to the public before their D.C. caravan’s scheduled return.
As McClain was surveying the smorgasbord of damaged nazi cars, he spotted a truck leaving the parking lot. McClain pulled the truck over, believing it may have been involved in the Riverview parking lot vandalism. It ended up containing four unlucky Patriot Front members, attempting to rendezvous with the main group after getting separated and missing the march.
Four Patriot Front Virginia Members Detained in Truck
In the ironic series of events that followed, Patriot Front members were grilled as suspects in the sabotage of their group’s own property as officers swarmed around their car shining lights in their faces and checking their hands for paint. By the time police realized the four men were not implicated in the parking lot vandalism, they had found new reasons to be suspicious.

The driver was identified by his license as Nathaniel J. Noyce, 24, of Glen Allen, VA. The 3 passengers identified themselves to officers as Aedan Tredinnick, 21, of Norfolk, VA, Thomas Dail, 24, of Wake, VA and Jacob Brown, 21, of Newport News, VA.
Only Noyce, the driver, had any ID on him. Leaked messages show that Patriot Front members are instructed to “[leave] any ID behind” when attending official group actions “so the only way you get doxxed is if you tell someone yourself.” Leaked records also indicate the four men have all been involved in promoting neo-nazi propaganda in Virginia, including in acts of racially-motivated vandalism.

The four men are seen in leaked 2021 videos showing Patriot Front members in Virginia training in riot shield formations as well as hanging banners over highways and gluing posters on roadside utility boxes with Patriot Front promotional materials. Throughout the leaked footage the four men who clearly match Noyce and his 3 passengers are addressed as “Roger,” “Vincent,” “Kenneth” and “John.” (Patriot Front members are all assigned a fake name affixed to their home state’s initials and are instructed to never use or reveal their legal names during group activities.)
By correlating the body camera footage with leaked Patriot Front videos and chat logs, Unicorn Riot can confirm that Nathaniel Noyce is tied to the Patriot Front member identity ‘Roger VA,’ Aedan Tredinnick is ‘Vincent VA,’ Thomas Dail is ‘Kenneth VA,’ and Jacob Brown is ‘John VA.‘
After noticing that Thomas Dail had a jacket over his lap that was poorly concealing a riot shield and a hat with a bump cap, police opted to pull all four men out of the vehicle, patting them down and searching the car.

Officers did not present a warrant to search the truck. However, neither Noyce nor his passengers asserted that they didn’t consent to a search, thereby passively granting officers permission to rifle through their belongings.
“Yeah, they have a gas mask, a shield, I don’t know what’s in the bookbag, they’re all wearing the same color. And somebody was just vandalized, pretty much…”
– Corporal Yordy Diaz, Prince George’s County Police

By the time police realized the young racists were not implicated in the vandalism, they remained suspicious after finding a riot shield and armored ‘bump cap’ hats in the truck.
The four young men, wearing matching clothing, gave blatantly false answers when asked what they were doing. The awkward moments captured in the police footage highlight how Patriot Front’s membership has to evade and side-step openly admitting what they actually are, in order to avoid the scrutiny and stigma associated with actively advancing a pro-Hitler agenda.
Nathaniel Noyce falsely claimed that his Patriot Front travel party was “on their way to my buddy’s house down the block.” When asked why they were in the park, he said they were “just hanging out.”
Noyce also told officers that the riot shield they noticed clumsily hidden under Thomas Dail’s jacket in the truck’s backseat was “just extra stuff for my buddy.”
In fact, Noyce, Tredinnick and Dail trained to join the ‘shield team’ in Patriot Front’s marching formation in the December 4 trip to D.C. The three are seen front-and-center in leaked Nov. 20, 2021 footage of Patriot Front members drilling in group combat for violent ‘shield wall’ tactics in a park in Virginia.
Other leaked videos dated Nov. 15, 2021, show Tredinnick and Brown wearing masks as they hang Patriot Front banners from highway overpasses and glue propaganda posters to utility boxes. The two young men in their early 20s were directed in these and other acts by their much older Patriot Front Network Director Paul Gancarz (aka ‘ND – Samuel VA,’ age 33). Gancarz was a member of the Proud Boys before joining Patriot Front and attended the deadly Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017.
While they made false statements to the officers, such as claiming “I don’t even know what protest you’re talking about,” the four seem to have assumed, apparently correctly, that their white privilege would let them ride out the encounter with little to no consequence.

Police involved in the traffic stop appeared to be entirely ignorant of Patriot Front’s existence at first, asking the men if they wore matching outfits because they were in a motorcycle club, or worked together or went to the same high school.
After stepping back to a squad car during the traffic stop, officers Antonio Frias and Douglas McMillan wondered what Patriot Front was and what the D.C. event was about. McMillan described feeling unsettled around the young men, saying he felt he had to “Make sure they’re not the Antichrist or something.” Frias looked up Patriot Front online and returned to the traffic stop, telling the other officers that the young men were part of a “hate nationalist group.”
When Diaz and Frias asked the young men if their matching pants were coordinated on purpose, some of the group agreed, while Noyce butted in to say “We all got different pants on.” An unconvinced Frias countered, “Y’all got the same pants, basically,” to which Noyce quickly replied “No, not really.” (Patriot Front members are told to purchase matching pairs of leadership-approved pants to wear during events.)

Similarly evasive when asked about his Patriot Front patches, Noyce claimed the neo-nazi insignias were “homemade stuff,” “just for all our friends and stuff” and represented the “America flag and all that type of stuff.” Thomas Dail (aka ‘Kenneth VA‘) sported Patriot Front’s main official patch on his jacket that night, which features a fasces, the symbol of Benito Mussolini’s National Fascist Party.
Officer Frias, catching on after googling the group, asked Noyce if Dail’s jacket with a Patriot Front patch on it was a “Patriot Front jacket.” Noyce replied with a lie — “no” — mixed with a half-truth — ” this is just an Amazon jacket.” Patriot Front recruits are required to order a list of uniform items from Amazon, including their matching blue jackets (with Velcro patch squares).

While inquiring about the young neo-nazis’ matching outfits, Frias cracked jokes about how he would be purchasing and wearing to work the same jackets that Patriot Front wears. This elicited bouts of awkward forced laughter from the young men as they pretended to enjoy a joke with the Latino cop, though they aim to kill, enslave or deport people like him in keeping with their goal of a whites-only fascist America.
Police Released Detained Neo-Nazis After Advising Feds
Corporal Dale Sollars of the Prince George’s County PD eventually ended the traffic stop after about 30 minutes, telling the 4 neo-nazis they were “free to go.”
Discussions caught on body cameras as Noyce’s truck drove away show Sollars concluded that “These guys are far as we know are not involved” with the damaged vehicles. Officer McClain added “That is definitely their property,” noting the similarity between the patches reading “Patriot Front” and the “Patriot Fail” graffiti left on one nazi leader’s “totaled” bus.
The police’s discussions imply that federal agencies were alerted to the stop and had been consulting with the cops on the ground. Wondering out loud about their next steps as Noyce drove away, one officer said “It all depends on what Homeland [Security] said,” to which another replied “Homeland said let ’em go.”
When all officers had their body cameras off except Corporal Diaz, who was distracted while taking a personal phone call, they discussed forwarding information about the traffic stop to the FBI.

Corp. Sollars can be briefly heard discussing calling the FBI during the traffic stop, saying agents wanted to know what the four men were wearing.
Sollars’ comments indicated that despite everything, the officers were still operating from a place of relative ignorance about the group they had just encountered. “I don’t know whether they were guarding those cars or whether or not they were vandalizing those cars,” Sollars told the other officers as they watched Noyce drive away.
In the last moments before Diaz finally shut his bodycam off, comments by Sollars indicated he still didn’t even know what Patriot Front was, referring to the group as “Patriot something” and saying the FBI told him “It was some Patriot group or something like that.”
Corp. Sollars and Officer McClain also briefly joked about opening fire on Noyce’s truck as he drove away – Sollars put his hand on his sidearm when he said he saw one of the doors on Noyce’s truck open as it drove off.
Patriot Front Member Nathaniel J. Noyce, 24, of Glen Allen, VA (Alias: ‘Roger VA‘)

In Patriot Front’s leaked chat server, Noyce posted about going to jiu-jitsu and muy thai martial arts gyms in the Richmond area. He also shared casual antisemitic rhetoric about “shekels” and racist sentiments like “never let the ‘minorities’ take our history or culture.”
Noyce is seen in leaked footage of a Nov. 20, 2021 training in a park in Richmond, VA where Patriot Front members practiced for physical confrontations with anti-racist counter-protesters at their rallies.

While preparing for the Dec. 4, 2021 rally in D.C., Noyce wrote to another member in Patriot Front’s RocketChat server that “I have body armor and will buy shinguards and a cup just to be safe.”

In a Nov. 24 message Noyce promised to bring “a loaded car with a table and all our trophies” to the D.C. event, referring to stolen anti-racist yard signs often collected by Patriot Front members. Four days later on Nov. 28, Noyce’s fellow chapter member Aedan Tredinnick posted a picture of an apparently stolen Black Lives Matter yard sign, calling it a “trophy.”
Patriot Front Member Aedan Tredinnick, 21, of Norfolk, VA (Alias: ‘Vincent VA‘)
Aedan Tredinnick told officers he was “just hanging out” and on a road trip to “travel, hang out with with some friends on the weekend.”
Hinting at his belief that he is ethnically superior to non-whites, he repeatedly told the cops he was “very Irish” and had “nice genes.” (Officer Frias told Tredinnick he looked like he was “probably 14.“)

While his Instagram and TikTok profiles show Tredinnick partying with non-white peers, his leaked Patriot Front chat shows him casually using racist slurs. In a Nov. 23, 2021 chat he complained about seeing “a gang of N****rs… walking down the sidewalk being loud” while putting up Patriot Front stickers. Five days later, he posted a picture of a Black Lives Matter yard sign that he claimed to have stolen as “a trophy.”

Internal Patriot Front footage previously released by Unicorn Riot shows Tredinnick and other members wearing masks as they put up various forms of Patriot Front propaganda materials in public places. Tredinnick can be seen wearing a mask and a hooded sweatshirt as he and other members hang banners from overpasses and glue posters to roadside utility boxes to promote the neo-nazi organization.

Tredinnick is also seen in leaked footage from Nov. 20, 2021 Patriot Front riot shield formation drills in Richmond, VA where he and other members rehearsed for their participation in Patriot Front’s ‘shield wall’ during the Dec. 4, 2021 march in D.C. These training sessions included simulated fights with a Patriot Front member assuming the role of an anti-racist counter-protester, who Tredinnick and others practiced striking with shields. (Patriot Front ‘shield team’ members often drill without shields before being given shields by leadership shortly before an event.)

According to leaked Patriot Front chats Tredinnick plans to pursue a career in cybersecurity. His LinkedIn shows he is currently seeking “Software Engineer” and “Summer Intern” roles in the Norfolk, VA area.

Social media posts indicate Tredinnick enrolled as an undergraduate at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA in fall 2022. He previously finished high school at Tidewater Community College via a dual enrollment program where he studied computer science. A workout video Tredinnick posted on Instagram after beginning his school year at Old Dominion was ‘liked’ by an account operated by Patriot Front member Conor James Ryan.

Patriot Front Member Jacob Brown, 21, of Newport News, VA (Alias: ‘John VA‘)
Brown gave police an address in Newport News, VA. His leaked Patriot Front chats sent as ‘John VA‘ show that he posted about meeting up at a shopping center parking lot in Newport News with other members on Dec. 4 shortly before traveling to the campsite for Patriot Front’s D.C. march.
Brown is also seen helping glue fascist propaganda posters onto utility boxes in leaked Patriot Front videos dated Nov. 14, 2021.

Patriot Front Member Thomas Dail, 24, of Wake, VA (Alias: ‘Kenneth VA‘)
Thomas Dail aka ‘Kenneth VA‘ gave police an address in Wake, VA. His leaked chats include one message that he signed with “Hail Victory,” the English translation of Sieg Heil. He also posted about coordinating with the rest of Patriot Front’s Network 9 chapter to put up neo-nazi propaganda in Virginia and nearby states.

Trying to break the ice during the traffic stop, Dail (‘Kenneth VA‘) joked with Corporal Dale Sollars that “you can’t say ‘Redskins’ no more” in regards to the Washington Football Team. Sollars went along with the bit, agreeing “yeah, you can’t say that no more.”

Dail can be seen practicing Patriot Front riot shield marching formations in leaked videos of his chapter drilling in a park in Richmond on Nov. 20, 2021. Patriot Front Network 9 Director Paul Gancarz (‘ND – Samuel VA‘) can be heard in the footage addressing Dail as “Kenny,” matching his ‘Kenneth VA‘ RocketChat username in leaked chats.

Leaked Patriot Front video: “Returning to vehicle exchange” (10min)
90 minutes after police finished detaining Noyce, Tredinnick, Dail and Brown, leaked Patriot Front footage shows the mass of members who marched in D.C. emerging from a U-Haul truck. As they arrived back at Riverview Park, the young fascists were shocked to discover nearly all their personal and rented vehicles had their tires slashed, windshields smashed, and car bodies scratched and doused in paint.
Patriot Front Members Identified In Police Report As Vandalism “Victims”; Most Had Done Racist Vandalism Themselves
Unicorn Riot also obtained police reports, emails and photographs of the Dec. 4 Riverview Park incident from the Maryland Park Police, who worked the scene at the parking lot and accepted reports filed by Patriot Front members whose vehicles were damaged. (Not all the neo-nazis with damaged cars filed reports; many cars seen damaged were not listed in the police reports.)
Police reports identify the twelve Patriot Front members who reported their vehicle damages to authorities, including several whose real names were previously unknown.
Ironically, at least ten of the twelve who listed themselves as vandalism “victims” in the report are themselves tied to acts of racist, homophobic and transphobic vandalism they committed on behalf of Patriot Front.
Patriot Front Member Matthew Allen Clement (aka ‘Jack WA‘), 32, of Castle Rock, WA
Matthew Allen Clement (aka ‘Jack WA‘), 32, of Castle Rock, WA, is an active member of Patriot Front’s ‘Network 8’ in the Pacific Northwest and helped plan and carry out the destruction of a gay pride mural on city-owned property in Olympia, WA in October 2021. (Two Patriot Front Network 8 members – Colton Brown (‘ND – John WA‘) and Spencer Simpson (‘David WA‘) have been charged for the mural vandalism – Clement has not been charged). He flew into D.C. with other Pacific Northwest members and rented a car which sustained damage.

Patriot Front Member Justin Michael O’Leary (aka ‘Ethan WA’), 28, of Des Moines, WA
Justin Michael O’Leary is implicated in numerous hate crimes in Washington and surrounding states. He is also active in Patriot Front’s Network 8. O’Leary helped vandalize the Olympia, WA gay pride mural and was investigated as a suspect but has not been charged. He currently faces charges of Conspiracy/Riot in Coeure d’Alene, Idaho, after he was mass arrested with 30 other Patriot Front members on June 11, 2022.

Clement, O’Leary and others rented vehicles after flying in or carpooling, so their personal vehicles are not listed in police documents about the Riverview Park incident.
Patriot Front Member Dustin Michael Sargent (aka ‘Alan PA‘), 29, of Kunkletown, PA
Dustin Michael Sargent, 29, of Kunkletown, PA, is ‘Alan PA‘ in Patriot Front’s leaked chats. Sargent filed a police report related to his rental car that was damaged (“I had to put 3 tires on it and have paint cleaned… Insurance doesn’t cover it and it’s all about $1200 all together…”).
He also lent his personal Ford pickup truck to two other Pennsylvania members of Patriot Front — ‘Jackson PA‘ and ‘Eric PA‘ — who drove it to and from the D.C. march.

Sargent often posts antisemitic videos on Facebook, according to data compiled by antifascist researchers in Pennsylvania. He has previously pleaded guilty to Pennsylvania state charges of Corruption of Minors, Criminal Mischief/Property Damage, and making false statements. Court records indicate he is currently on probation. He owns a masonry contracting company called Sargent and Sons.
Patriot Front Network Director Alexi Michael Guthrie (aka ‘Brandon CA‘), 28, of Simi Valley, CA
Alexi Michael Guthrie, 28, of Simi Valley, CA, aka Patriot Front RocketChat user ‘Brandon CA‘, is Patriot Front’s Network Director for Southern California. According to antifascists who infiltrated a Patriot Front training meet organized by Guthrie in September 2021, Guthrie “voiced his strong support for Hitler’s Nazi Party, American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell, and the Third Reich generally” and discussed plans to meet with neo-nazi groups in Europe.
Guthrie has also been involved with the National Justice Party, claims to have attended the white supremacist suit-and-tie American Renaissance conference, and may be involved in the neo-nazi fitness lifestyle network Active Club.

Patriot Front Member Kevin Lowy (aka ‘Jason NY‘), 21, of Mahopac, NY
Kevin James Mannion Lowy, 21, of Mahopac, NY is the member who was left to guard Patriot Front’ cars while they marched in D.C., calling the police that night when the racists’ vehicles he was guarding were damaged and vandalized.

The gray 2013 Dodge R15 Lowy was driving was registered to Lowy’s father Michael at an address in the Bronx.

Patriot Front Network 6 Director Wesley Evan Van Horn (aka ‘ND – Christopher AL‘), 34, of Lexington, AL
Wesley Evan Van Horn, 34, of Lexington, AL uses the chat alias ‘ND – Christopher AL‘ in Patriot Front. Van Horn, whose last name is misspelled ‘Vanborn’ in the police report, is PF’s Network 6 Director for Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee.
Van Horn helped hand-pick Patriot Front members to serve in the group’s ‘shield wall’ holding metal riot shields during the D.C. march. He has also given members of his chapter specific instructions about when and where they should spray paint Patriot Front propaganda designs.

Van Horn was also among the 31 Patriot Front members arrested en route to confront a Pride rally in Couer d’Alene, Idaho on June 11 and currently faces charges of Criminal Conspiracy/Riot stemming from the bungled plan. He drove his own truck, a white 2007 Ford F150, to Patriot Front’s convergence in the DMV area in early December 2021 and rented an additional car for other members from his area.
According to his leaked message history, he estimated his expenses from the damages to his white Ford F150 (including a smashed windshield) at $431 but claims he only paid a $100 deductible with insurance.

Patriot Front Member Ryan Christopher Patrick (aka ‘Walter NC‘), 27, of Smithfield, NC
Ryan Christopher Patrick, 27, of Smithfield, NC, is a firm match to the Patriot Front member alias ‘Walter NC‘ that appears in leaked chat logs. One leaked message sent by ‘Walter NC‘ describes his vehicle, which he took to the D.C. march and was damaged by antifascists – “White Chevy Sonic. Driveable; Back Window Smashed, Front window smashed, both left window smashed.” The same car is listed under Ryan Christopher Patrick’s name in the Maryland Park Police crime scene reports from Riverview.

Other leaked Patriot Front chats sent by ‘Walter NC‘ reference working as a bailbondsman. North Carolina Surety Bail Bondsman insurance records for a lapsed license under the name Ryan Christopher Patrick (National Producer Number: 19999902) list the same phone number Patrick gave the Maryland Park Police.
According to leaked notes taken during his Patriot Front membership interview, Patrick is a diesel mechanic and former Proud Boy who enjoys listening to “various Hitler and Goebbels speeches” and studying shamanism.
Message history from Ryan Patrick aka ‘Walter NC‘ also shows that he coordinated with other North Carolina members of Patriot Front to scout out a plan to spray paint neo-nazi stencils on “a highway underpass” “to advertise for our cause.”
Patriot Front Member ‘Marcus NC‘, of Matthews, NC
A car driven by Jacob Sieber (likely owned by a relative who lives with him) matches with ‘Marcus NC‘ from Patriot Front’s leaked chats.
A leaked message from another Patriot Front member compiling information about damaged cars shows that the Jeep Cherokee listed under Sieber’s name in the Maryland Park Police report belongs to “owner Marcus NC.”

‘Marcus NC‘, who has conducted membership interviews on behalf of Patriot Front and used the group’s official chat to share antisemitic memes, wrote that he drove a Jeep Cherokee “like 18 hours with a shattered windshield” after the event.
Patriot Front internal damage reports list ‘Marcus NC‘ as the driver of a Jeep Cherokee with “back window smashed, front window smashed, back left smashed.”
Leaked direct messages sent by ‘Marcus NC’ imply that he has spray painted stencils on behalf of Patriot Front at least once.

Patriot Front Member Daniel Joshua Springer (aka ‘Sam MN‘), 23, of Marine On Saint Croix, MN
Daniel Joshua Springer, 23, is the Patriot Front member with the username ‘Sam MN‘ in leaked Patriot Front chats. While Springer gave police his parents’ address in the quaint riverside village of Marine On Saint Croix, MN, he moved in with a Patriot Front leader in Missouri after his parents reportedly revoked his Internet privileges upon learning he was using their WiFi to conduct Patriot Front membership interviews from his bedroom.

Springer’s name is faintly visible on a Hertz car rental receipt shared by ‘Sam MN’ in a Patriot Front RocketChat message on Dec. 6.
Before moving, he had used his father’s car to transport other members to and from the vandalism of a LGBTQ center in Springfield, IL on Nov. 14, 2021. The gold 2005 Toyota Corolla, seen in leaked video as Patriot Front member remove spray cans from its trunk, is registered to Springer’s father. The Toyota’s registration lists a Marine on St. Croix address – the same address that Springer gave to Maryland Park Police for his victim report.
Daniel Springer aka ‘Sam MN‘ also took part in the Dec. 18, 2021 Patriot Front vandalism of a Black history mural on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis. Only one of five members involved in the vandalism, Mitchell Frederick Wagner aka ‘Kyle MO,’ currently faces charges for the act.
In one message, Springer committed to spray painting neo-nazi graffiti on behalf of Patriot Front “each week.” In other chats he complained about “the horrors of miscegination” and praised the writings of Joseph Goebbels. Leaked chats indicate he planned on moving to Iowa “near Des Moines” as of December 2021.
Patriot Front Member Daniel Turetchi (aka ‘NS – Grant MD‘), 25, of Owings Mills, MD
Daniel Turetchi, 25, of Owings Mills, MD, is ‘NS – Grant MD‘ in Patriot Front’s leaked RocketChat data (‘NS’ stands for ‘Network Scribe’). Turetchi was working as a real estate agent in Maryland as of late 2021; the broker he was working for at the time fired him after antifascists first identified him in January 2022.
According to a detailed profile of Turetchi by Seven Hills Antifa, he “leveraged his position as a real estate agent to secure a campground in Unionville, VA under false pretenses for his fascist cohort to stay for their December 2021 march in Washington D.C.”

Turetchi was also responsible for selecting the site of Patriot Front’s “vehicle exchange” for their Dec. 4, 2021 march in D.C. and appears to be the member most responsible for the parking debacle that night. He ended up selecting Riverview Park in Fort Washington, MD as the place for Patriot Front to leave their vehicles into the late hours of that evening. He apparently failed to notice that county park rules posted online make it illegal to be at that location after dark.
Turetchi was among neo-nazis spotted in Pittsburgh, PA on November 6, 2021 attending a conference held by the neo-nazi National Justice Party. He also appears to have been present during the January 6, 2021 far-right attack on the U.S. Congress.
According to the police report, the black Honda CRV he drove belongs to his mother Ludmila. Leaked Patriot Front messages further link Daniel Turetchi to his mom’s car. In a Dec. 7 message, he confirmed the model and make to another member inquiring about damages: “Just spray paint on windshield and driver window. It all came off with acetone!”
Former Patriot Front Member Zachary William Degelau (aka ‘Mark SD‘), 27, formerly of Parker, CO
Zachary William Degelau, 27, who gave Maryland Park Police an address in Parker, CO, went by ‘Mark SD‘ in Patriot Front’s chats before he was unceremoniously kicked out in December 2021. Thomas Rousseau called him “dangerous” and “stupid” after learning that “he brought two fully loaded pistols to the event with additional ammunition, including rifle ammunition.”
While he gave police a Colorado address and his Patriot Front RocketChat username uses the acronym for South Dakota, as of November 2021 he claimed to have recently moved to southern Arkansas, “near Magnolia.” Degalau’s leaked chat history shows he discussed using a fire extinguisher to spray paint white power slogans onto buildings. He also posted about distributing copies of a Holocaust denial documentary. As of 2018, Degelau was registered to vote as a Libertarian.

Patriot Front Member Alexander Hermann (aka ‘ND – Ryan OH‘), 24, of Cincinatti, OH
Alexander Hermann, 24, of Cincinatti, OH is ‘ND – Ryan OH’, Patriot Front’s Network 13 Director, in charge of members from Ohio and the westernmost portions of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Leaked direct messages show that Hermann directed 4 members of his Network 13 chapter to “test” a “new stencil method” for spraying Patriot Front propaganda designs onto buildings.
Hermann’s silver KIA Forte was among Patriot Front’s parked vehicles hit with spray paint after antifascists overran the ‘vehicle exchange.’

Patriot Front Network 12 Director Luke Paule (aka ‘ND – Carter MO‘) of Pacific, MO
Luke Paule (aka Network 12 Director ‘ND – Carter MO‘) is also listed on property/impound reports as the owner of a totaled and left-for-dead gray Ford Econoline E450 passenger bus. Paule did not attend the event, as leaked chats show him groveling to PF leader Thomas Rousseau as he apologized for missing the march to witness the birth of his child.
Paule apparently thought it wise to celebrate his first child’s birth by spending thousands to gift a “hate bus” to his Patriot Front Network 12 chapter only for it to be abandoned in Maryland by startled college-age fascists hurrying home after their D.C. event went south.
Leaked chats sent by Paule show him beginning the grieving process as he learned his bus was “absolutely obliterated” and later “taken by the police and considered abandoned.” “I’m out $3000,” he wrote in between attempts at maintaining optimism. “The insurance for vandalism was 100 / month and I didn’t think this was even possible since we run a tight ship.” “It’s something out of a fiction book is how it feels.”
Paule has been known to use abusive language to pressure younger members under his wing to participate in illegal activities. He has used promises of money, housing and employment to entice teenagers, with at least one younger member of Patriot Front moving in with him after a fight with parents. Police reports and leaked Patriot Front chats placed Paule at an address in Pacific, MO (near St. Louis) as of late 2021.

Additional media and files
Maryland-National Capitol Park Police Reports
- [Download raw files via the original Maryland Public Information Act request page on Muckrock here (ZIP, 35.2MB)]
- Crime Report – Riverview Community Park, 12/04/21, Incident Number 21002334 (PDF, 1.2MB)
- CAD (Computer Assisted Dispatch) Report – Event Number: P213380468 (PDF, 7KB)
- Commander’s Report (Unusual Occurrence, Vandalism, PF, 21002334) (PDF, 154KB)
- Vehicle Impound Form – Luke Paule (PDF, 119KB)
- Vehicle Impound Form – Avis Rental (PDF, 315KB)
- Stored Vehicle Release Authorization Certificate – Luke Paule (PDF, 117KB)
- Stored Vehicle Release Authorization Certificate – Avis Rental (PDF, 121KB)
- Notice To Registered Owner Of Vehicle Storage – Luke Paule (PDF, 474KB)
- Notice To Registered Owner Of Vehicle Storage – Avis Rental (PDF, 543KB)
Prince George’s County Police Dept. Body Camera Video Files
Corporal Yordy Diaz – full body camera recording (53:42)
Officer Ryan McClain – full body camera recording (43:29)
Officer Ryan McClain – full dashboard camera recording (43:29)
Officer Antonio Frias – full body camera recording (30:41)
Officer Douglas McMillan – full body camera recording pt. 1 (16:12)
Officer Douglas McMillan – full body camera recording pt. 2 (03:16)
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