Category: Social Control
Infrared Aerial Surveillance Used at Standing Rock to Monitor and Track Protesters
Midwest, USA β Unicorn Riot obtained over 100 hours of infrared (IR) video footage taken by police surveillance aircraft during the 2016 protests in Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Drones, planes, and helicopters were used by law enforcement from multiple agencies to monitor…
Jeanette Vizguerra’s U-Visa Denied While in Sanctuary Second Time
Denver, CO β Immigrant rights leader and undocumented mother and grandmother, Jeanette Vizguerra, has been living at the First Unitarian Society for three months, which is the second time she has claimed sanctuary from deportation. On June 20, 2019, she held a press conference at…
“Enough of Being the Blood that Promotes Fascists”: Viewpoints From Brazil
Brazil’s far-right president Jair Bolsonaro, has used the first half year of his administration to target the rights of the indigenous, the quilombos (descendants of escaped African slaves), and other vulnerable communities and natural habitats across the country.
Provisional measures put in place on the…
Denver’s ‘Right to Survive’ Ballot Initiative Voted Down
Denver, CO β The contentious ballot initiative 300, or Right to Survive, was voted down in Tuesday’s municipal elections with 81% of votes being against the ballot question. The initiative would have effectively repealed the Unauthorized Camping Ordinance (camping ban) passed in 2012, which criminalizes…
“Unhealthy By Design:” CU Denver’s New Report About Camping Ban
Denver, CO β In less than a month, Denver residents will get to vote on an unprecedented ballot initiative in the United States, which would effectively make it illegal to criminalize people who are without housing. To substantiateΒ I-300, also known as the Right to…
Fort Collins Food Not Bombs Rallies for Rights
Fort Collins, CO β On February 3, 2019, like on every Sunday, the Fort Collins’ chapter of Food Not Bombs (FNB) cooked up a homemade, nutritious meal for their free meal share at 1pm. However once they arrived at their typical location of Library Park,…
Greece: Political Prisoners Pt. 3 – Criminalized by Association
Athens, Greece – Unicorn Riot spoke with author Tasos Theofilou, an innocent political prisoner freed last year after serving five years in a Greek prison. Recent court cases involving political prisoners in Greece have borne a resemblance to ‘J20‘ cases in the United States, where…
New Initiative Pursues Human Rights for All in Denver
Denver, CO β Over the past six months, with the direction of Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL), community members gathered nearly 10,000 petition signatures to get the Denver Right to Survive Initiative on the city’s May 2019 municipal ballot.
The ballot initiative asks:
“Shall the…