Tag: riot police

The Battle of Sainte-Soline
Sainte-Soline, France — It is a Saturday morning deep in rural western France. Tens of thousands of activists, organized in different marches, left a self-managed protest camp next to the idyllic village of Vanzay. They headed toward the construction site of a water reservoir, dubbed…

New Documentary on Late Sixties Civil Unrest is a ‘Rosetta Stone’ for Decoding the Modern Day Police State
In the late 60’s, the American police state opened a Pandora’s Box of lurid paranoia, laying the groundwork for decades of authoritarian control in order to clamp the lid shut on the near- revolutions of 1967-68. This history featured in the new documentary “Riotsville USA” suggests that the increasing authority police gifted themselves may ultimately be a curse on society.

Greek Police Shoot Student Protesting Their Installment on Campus, Demo & Clashes Follow
Thessaloniki, Greece – Greek riot police shot a student protesting their installment on campus at point-blank range in the face with a projectile, breaking his jaw and rupturing his ear drum. After confrontations broke out across campus, traumatized students organized a massive demonstration through the…

“The fight is not over:” CO Brown Berets Rally on Inauguration Day
Denver, CO — Shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn into office on Wednesday in D.C., a combination of groups came together in downtown Denver to proclaim their ongoing demands and concerns of the federal government—explicitly its mistreatment of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people.

Greek Police Occupy and Desecrate Memorial Site of Teen They Killed
Athens, Greece – On the anniversary of his death, riot police occupied the memorial site and desecrated flowers left for 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was killed by Greek police twelve years earlier. Police made at least 62 arrests in Athens and over 150 across Greece…
![image: aerial photograph of the city of Minneapolis in the daytime from the Department of Natural Resources airplane. The wing is visible on the bottom left side of the picture. Four images are superimposed: from left to right, a black rectangle with white text, "Getting that load to MN is the priority. Advise if plan B needs to be made for munitions."; a grey map showing an aircraft's flight record from northern Minnesota, to a location in Wyoming, then to Minneapolis; a white rectangle with black text from an email reading, "Subject: RE: Flight Info Steve will be able to load 1600 pounds of cargo onboard."; another white rectangle with black text, "Estimated Arrival in Casper Wyoming: 10:00 hours local time. Max Payload with required fuel, about 1500 pounds. Safariland Contact Wyoming Mike Kramer [redacted]. Safariland Contact Minneapolis Kevin Degel [redacted]."](https://unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/FOIALawEnforcementResponseSTory-min.png)
Behind the Law Enforcement Response to the George Floyd Uprising – Pt 1: Munitions Delivery
Text messages, emails, photos and other records provide a rare look into the coordination between multiple agencies that took place in the aftermath of Floyd's killing.

Unrest in Philly After Cops Shoot and Kill 27-Year-Old
Philadelphia, PA – West Philly saw a quickly escalating situation develop on 4 p.m. Monday afternoon and dragging into the evening and overnight. In a graphic and disturbing video circulating on social media, two white Philadelphia Police (PPD) officers are seen repeatedly shooting a Black…

Direct Action in Minnesota as Line 3 Pipeline Approval Reversed
Near Park Rapids, MN – On Monday, June 3, 2019 three water protectors shut down work on power lines along the proposed Enbridge Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline by locking themselves to construction equipment. The same day, the Certificate of Need and Routing Permit…

Greek Police Attack Anarchists After Demo for Victims of 1973 Student Uprising
Athens, Greece – Greek riot police attacked an anarchist contingent as they dispersed from an annual November 17 commemoration for the second year in a row. Hours of clashes followed massive demonstrations commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic Uprising, a student uprising against…

G20 Hamburg – Demo Rave & Snatch Squads
Hamburg, Germany – Unicorn Riot spent their second day covering the events around the G20 Summit documenting a demonstration that was a moving dance party. After the crowd thinned, squads of police snatched and arrested protesters.
The event held July 5th was dubbed a “demo…

Greece: Anarchists Defend Exarcheia’s Autonomous Zone From Police
Athens, Greece – Riot police had bombs, molotovs, and rocks thrown at them as the community of Exarcheia defended its autonomous zone in Athens, Greece on June 29, 2017. It is reported that two riot police were injured and no arrests were made.
The Poasy…

Mall of America vs #BlackLivesMatter
May 1, 2015 – #MOA36 – Edina, Minnesota
Community members gather during a court date in solidarity with organizers and protestors who were arrested and charged during a #BlackLivesMatter rally at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.
The #MOA11 are organizers who were catfished…