🦄 Community

Another Immigrant Claims Sanctuary from Deportation in Colorado

Denver, CO – Like others who have claimed sanctuary from deportation, Jorge Araiza Ávila decided to skip his appointment with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official on December 10, 2019, and instead, took refuge at Park Hill United Methodist Church and Temple Micah. On…

🦄 Borders & Migration

Occupy ICE Denver Camps Outside GEO ICE Detention Center

Aurora, CO – On Sunday evening, immigrant rights and social justice advocates began setting up tents and tarps outside one of the biggest privately-owned ICE Detention Facilities in the country. This detention facility in Aurora is operated by the prison company GEO Group and has…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community

November Vigil at GEO Group ICE Detention Center in CO

Aurora, CO – On November 6, 2017, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Coloradans for Immigrant Rights hosted their quarterly vigil at the GEO Group ICE Detention Center in Aurora, Colorado.
Unicorn Riot was live streaming the vigil, which can be watched below:


🦄 Borders & Migration

Indonesian Undocumented Immigrant Detained at ICE Check-In

UPDATE (5/24/17 6:55 PM MDT): Haris Simangunsong has been deported back to Indonesia; a country where he has not lived in for over 20 years and where he faces religious persecution. This breaking news was confirmed by American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Coloradans For…