Dissatisfied with the results obtained in the recent Brazilian presidential election, extremist Bolsonaro supporters invaded the National Congress, the Planalto Palace and the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) located in “Praça dos Três Poderes” (Three Powers Square), in the Federal District in Brasília…

After many years in hiding, on Dec. 18, 2022, the far-right, neo-Nazi organization of Golden Dawn (GD) made its public reappearance and organized a march and rally in Florina, Northern Greece. Dozens of Golden Dawn members, many serving in the Greek Parliament, were convicted in 2020, in the largest Nazi trial since Nuremberg, of heading a criminal organization.

One hundred thirty-four years after slavery officially ended in Brazil, a mixture of feelings ranging from revolt, insecurity, pain, hatred and disgust rose among the residents of Ribeirão-Pretanos when they learned of an 82-year-old woman being rescued after 27 years in servitude.