πŸ¦„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 17

Ep. 17: #StockMarkets #ChinaMeltdown #NYSE #Stingrays #MansurBallBey #BlackLivesMatter #Macedonia #Greece #RefugeeCrisis #Nauen #Heidenau #YouStink #Beirut #ClimateChange #COP21 #China #AirPollution #MidwestUnrest #MinneapolisPolice

#China #NYSE | This past Monday China’s stock market took a free fall, diving 8.5% and losing all of its 2015 gains.…

πŸ¦„ Community, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Minneapolis Marches for Sandra Bland

On July 31st, 2015, hundreds of Minneapolis residents marched through downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota to raise awareness around the death of Sandra Bland other Black women who died in police custody or were killed by police.
The β€˜Sandra Bland Solidarity Action’ was led by Black women…

πŸ¦„ Community, Police, Protest & Direct Action

#BlackWomenMatter Rally #SayHerName

May 21, 2015
The Black Liberation Project in Minneapolis organized a #BlackWomenMatter rally in Minnehaha park. They created a space for black women to have their voices uplifted. The rally ended with participants planting flowers, some for those taken for the police, other for black…

πŸ¦„ Protest & Direct Action

Mall of America vs #BlackLivesMatter

May 1, 2015 – #MOA36 – Edina, Minnesota
Community members gather during a court date in solidarity with organizers and protestors who were arrested and charged during a #BlackLivesMatter rally at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.
The #MOA11 are organizers who were catfished…

πŸ¦„ Police, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 1

Unicorn Riot presents “DEprogram”, a live show hosted by Lorenzo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.

The first episode recaps the events leading up the the #BaltimoreUprising, exams police tactics used against social movements, and…

πŸ¦„ Community, Police

Black Women Matter Vigil in Minneapolis’ Sculpture Garden

April 27, 2015 – #BlackWomenMatter – Minneapolis, MN
Black Women Matter Vigil in Minneapolis’ Sculpture Garden organized by the Black Liberation Project.
Community members gathered to uplift black women’s voices by holding a vigil to provide a healing space in the face of police brutality.…