🦄 Community

First Hearing in Class-Action Against Denver for Violating Human Rights

Denver, CO – On Wednesday, October 12th, 2016, Judge Craig B. Shaffer’s court room was packed during the first hearing in the class-action lawsuit against the city and county of Denver for violating the human rights of people without housing.
Attorney Jason Flores-Williams filed the…

🦄 Community

Black Lives Matter 5280 135-Hour Sit-in for 135 Lives Lost

Denver, CO – Since the murders of Alton Sterling on July 5th, 2016 and of Philando Castile on July 6th, 2016 at the hands of police officers, protests and rallies have erupted all across the United States. In Denver, CO, the local organization Black Lives…

🦄 Community

Denver’s Affordable Housing Displaces Low-Income Residents

Denver, CO – When traveling through downtown Denver, it is impossible to go a few blocks without seeing construction projects for new apartment buildings. Some may see these new developments as necessary improvements for an up-and-coming booming hipster city, however the ones who are being…

🦄 Community

Minneapolis Pushes to Adopt Insurance Amendment for Police

Minneapolis, MN – On June 2nd, 2016, concerned citizens with the Committee for Professional Policing formally delivered a large stack of ballot petitions to the City Clerk at the Minneapolis City Hall. After six years, and countless volunteer hours, 12,000 locally gathered signatures are now…

🦄 Community, Police

Mayor Betsy Hodges Speech at U of M Campus Disrupted

Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, May 19th, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges speech at the U of M campus was disrupted by members of the Black Liberation Project (BLP). The speaking event was titled “The Opportunity City: Progress Report for Improving Equity in Minneapolis”.
Here is…

🦄 Community

Unicorn Riot’s Spring 2016 Fundraiser

Fundraiser Ended June 30th, 2016.
Unicorn Riot is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Use the following PayPal “Donate” link to make a one-time donation of any amount.
In order to receive your gift, please provide your mailing address and t-shirt size when…

🦄 Community

Solecast 24 w/ Beth Payne & Ed Medina of Carpe Locus

Solecast 24 is a report back from the Phoenix Anti Capitalist Conference. The first half of the interview is a discussion with the conference’s organizers about organizing in a politically hostile environment like Phoenix. Beth and Ed discuss the anarchist space they help run, and…