🦄 DAPL, Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Land Defenders Storm Construction Site to Protect Water

Standing Rock Reservation, ND – As Monday’s protest grew, construction was halted after a group of tribal women led tribal protesters and allies onto the Dakota Access Pipeline site.

Video: Tribal Woman explains why they #DefendWater & oppose the #DakotaAccessPipeline. #NoDAPL pic.twitter.com/ijPHijFu72
— Unicorn Riot…

🦄 Protest & Direct Action

DNC Day Zero: Thousands March for a Climate Revolution

Philadelphia, PA – Sunday, June 24th, a day before the Democratic National Convention, thousands of climate justice advocates marched in the sweltering heat in downtown Philadelphia for a “Clean Energy Revolution“.
We were LIVE to gather interviews during the march. Watch the archived streams from…

🦄 Protest & Direct Action

SURJ Locks Down at Denver Police Headquarters

July 20th Denver, CO – Members of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Denver locked down in front of the Denver Police Headquarter Administration Building to protest police violence and in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Four SURJ members locked themselves arm to arm in…

🦄 Police, Protest & Direct Action

RNC Day 4 – Discourse, Surveillance, and Xenophobia

Cleveland, OH – The last day outside of the Republican National Convention was filled with political discourse. Groups and individuals with a variety of opposing viewpoints and ideals once again peacefully converged on Public Square in downtown Cleveland. Unicorn Riot was live throughout the afternoon,…