Ep. 22: #OpNimr #Anonymous #PirateBay #SnowdenTreaty #ShellNo #FloodTheSystem #FWSW #Catalonia #RefugeesWelcome #KarmaPolice #LasBambas #COP21 #DirtBoxes #Surveillance

After the rundown and the music video, we conducted two interviews.

The first interview was with Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof about stingrays and surveillance:

The second interview was with…

On September 24, 2015, the Anarchist Black Cross along with other political prisoner support groups from across North America held an annual panel discussion called “Resisting Repression from the Inside Out: Former Prisoners Speak.”

Held at the Tivoli Student Union in Denver, the panel featured…

Ep. 21: #AIDS #KimDotCom #Anonymous #Vietnam #Surveillance #BlackLivesMatter #FightForDyett #FireDanteServin #RekiaBoyd #SayHerName #Palestine #AlAqsa #GreekElections #PavlosFyssas #RefugeesGr #RefugeesWelcome #Volkswagen #Japan #TyphoonEtau #DSEI #Dismaland

We covered two of our latest videos during Episode 21:
“South Minneapolis Creates Free Organic Market“:

“Protesters Shine a Light on Denver…