The recent suspension of Charee Stanley for refusing to serve alcohol to passengers in accordance with her religious beliefs has drawn comparisons with the case of Kim Davis.

According to recent media outpourings, both Kim Davis, the county clerk suspended for refusing marriage licenses to…

Ep. 19: #KimDavis #HateNotHeritage #NationalGeographic #RefugeesWelcome #Roeszke #Hungary #Belgium #Peru #Achuar #Cizre #TurkeyAtWar #Kurds #China #VPN #Ayotzinapa #JeremyHammond #DeVloek

*UPDATE 9/9/15:  De Vloek has been attacked by police and arrests were made. Front of De Vloek now demolished.

En ME’ers zijn op het dak een gat aan het zagen, om het pand te kunnen betreden. #DeVloek
— Redactie (@regio15) September 9, 2015…