Puerto Rico’s debt default has become official as it’s economic death spiral we mentioned in Episode 10, has hit another milestone as the island defaults on its debt for the first time in history. On Monday, it paid all of it’s debt except that owned…

The infamous Idaho #AgGag law has been overturned, giving investigative journalists the freedom to now investigate animal cruelty.…

Ep. 14: #BaltimoreUprising #UFED #JadeHelm #KillerRobots #AI #AutonomousWeapons #RNC2012 #Netzpolitik #TPP #AgGag #Calais #Eurotunnel #MillionMaskMarch #Turkey #PuertoRicoDefault #JimmyCarter #Oligarchy #Soudelor #sHellNo #Windows10 #SandraBland

INTERVIEW 1: Elizabeth Mount #sHellNo

INTERVIEW 2: @AlienA23P #Windows10

After our interviews, we showed two new Unicorn Riot videos from…