🦄 Borders & Migration, Global

Israeli Airstrikes Target Gaza

Gaza Strip, Palestine – The Israeli Air Force bombed Gaza early Tuesday morning after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israel was intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system on Monday night. Israeli planes targeted a site run by Hamas, the political…

🦄 Global, Police

Al-Aqsa Mosque Stormed: Israeli Police Detain 400, Injure 153

Old City, Occupied East Jerusalem, Palestine – At least 153 people were hospitalized Friday after Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. As tensions are rising, these were the first confrontations at Temple Mount since the start of Ramadan on April 2, 2022. The…

🦄 Global, Police

Israeli Raids on Jenin Refugee Camp Leave Many Dead, Dozens Shot

Jenin Refugee Camp, West Bank, Palestine – Over a dozen Palestinians have been killed, hundreds injured, and 200 detained in Jenin since the beginning of the year. Amidst a spate of attacks by Palestinians and Arab-Israelis inside Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have launched…

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

South Africa Ranks as World’s Most Unequal Nation

Durban, South Africa – South Africa remains the most economically unequal nation on Earth, that is according to a recent report from the Washington D.C. based World Bank, an international financial institution which “provides loans and grants to the governments of low-and middle-income countries.”


🦄 Global, Land & Housing, Police

Israeli Forces Stifle Religious Freedoms During Ramadan

Amidst rising tensions between Palestinians and Israeli security forces, Israeli police are restricting the movement of Palestinians in Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan. Over 8,000 police are deployed through the city, while Israel’s foreign minister made a “provocative” visit to Damascus Gate and…

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

Young Congolese Political Refugee Beaten to Death in Brazil

Brazilians occupied the streets of at least 12 provincial capitals and several cities in the country on Saturday, February 5, to protest against racism, xenophobia and the brutal death of Moïse Kabagambe. Kabagambe, a 24-year-old political refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, was beaten…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Global

Go Game [Film]

Since the beginning of time people have left their countries in hopes of reaching safety and stability. They flee war, poverty, religious persecution, discrimination, lack of opportunity. In the modern era, an unknown number of individuals and families leave Africa, the Middle East and Asia…