November 24 – On Tuesday afternoon the #Justice4Jamar and #BlackLivesMatter Minneapolis community rallied in the wake of five protesters having been shot by white supremacists the night before. A march with 1.5K participants circled City Hall while dozens more maintained the camp. The marchers also…

Minneapolis, MN – On November 23rd, 2015, around 10:45 p.m. four white supremacists entered the protests at the #4thPrecinctShutDown and shot five people after getting asked to reveal their faces or leave.

After they were confronted and asked to leave, some of the men shouted…

Nov. 18, 2015 – Minneapolis, MN: On Tuesday afternoon the Minneapolis Police Department used force to sweep out #Justice4Jamar protests from the vestibule and lawn in front of the 4th Precinct in North Minneapolis.
Unicorn Riot was on the scene shortly after the sweep-out:
