🦄 Global

Fourteen South African Troops Killed as Congolese War Escalates

Durban, South Africa — Renewed fighting between rebels and government forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu province has resulted in the deaths of 14 South African soldiers. The fallen troops were a part of two separate international “peacekeeping” missions aimed at…

🦄 Global

South Africa’s Energy Crises Increasingly Target Poor Communities

Durban, South Africa — For nearly two decades, South Africa has been experiencing a steadily increasing number of pre-planned rolling blackouts. Known as “loadshedding” these pre-planned outages are intended to prevent the grid from completely blacking out due to the lack of sufficient generating capacity.…

🦄 Global

Historic South African Election Dethrones Ruling Party ANC

For the first time in its relatively short history, the Republic of South Africa is no longer a de facto one-party state. This coming after a heavily contested 2024 South African election held on May 29 that saw a larger number of voters turning against…

🦄 Global

Analysis: The Cause and Impact of South Africa’s ICJ Case Against Israel

South Africa made history by filing charges against Israel for "committing genocide in manifest violation of the Genocide Convention," at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). These charges were filed in response to Israel’s actions in the ongoing Israeli-Gaza war, which has so far killed over 35,000 Palestinians and displaced nearly all of Gaza’s 2-plus million residents.

🦄 Global

Kendrick Lamar in Africa – Big Stepper’s Heritage Plug

The following article is a cultural commentary on the music career of American rapper Kendrick Lamar, and how his tours of the African continent has influenced his music. The views and opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of Unicorn Riot.

Kendrick Lamar’s hip…

🦄 Global, LGBTQ+
[Cover Photo] sourced via Creative Commons.

Uganda’s Death Sentence on its LGBTI+ Communities

For the first time since 2005, a man may be sentenced to death in Uganda. Uganda has recently joined eleven other nations that retain the death penalty for same-sex relations. Despite some marked progress in Africa around its treatment of LGBTQ+ people over the past few decades, this is a staggering setback.

🦄 Global, Labor

South African Military to Guard Power Stations After Record Power Outages

Durban, South Africa – As the ongoing South African Energy Crisis enters its sixteenth straight year, continued substation breakdowns coupled by widespread sabotage and corruption at the nation’s virtual energy monopoly, ESKOM, has resulted in an unprecedented surge of rolling blackouts. As a result South…

🦄 Global, Labor

Union Infighting Threatens to Derail South African Workers Movement

Durban, South Africa – On Tuesday, Nov. 22, three of South Africa’s largest trade union federations in the Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA), the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) initiated a one-day…

🦄 Global, Racism & Far-Right

South Africa Ranks as World’s Most Unequal Nation

Durban, South Africa – South Africa remains the most economically unequal nation on Earth, that is according to a recent report from the Washington D.C. based World Bank, an international financial institution which “provides loans and grants to the governments of low-and middle-income countries.”


🦄 Eco, Investigative

ESKOM and the South African Energy Crises

Durban, SA – Since 2007, South Africa has experienced innumerable rolling blackouts and power outages due to the South African Energy Crises. Recurring utility disruptions have had tremendous financial, social and political impact on a country struggling to find ways to keep up with ever-increasing…

🦄 Global, Labor

South African Unions Form Alliance Against Government

Durban, South Africa – On October 7, 2020, South Africa’s four largest trade union confederations COSATU, SAFTU, FEDUSA, and NACTU organized a national one-day strike in response to ongoing, failed negotiations with the government. These rival union confederations have combined forces in an effort to…

🦄 Community, Global

South African Youth Rally as Gender-Based Violence Rises

Durban, South Africa – On Saturday, August 29, thousands of South Africans marched in opposition to rising rates of sexual and gender based violence (GBV). Protesters marched in at least four different cities including Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Pretoria.

Unicorn Riot was in Durban…

🦄 COVID-19

South Africa Under Lockdown as COVID–19 Spreads

Durban, Kawzulu-Natal, South Africa – On March 5, 2020, South Africa reported its first official case of coronavirus (COVID–19) in the Kwazulu-Natal province. Since then, the virus has expanded into all nine provinces, infecting at least 1,280 people and killing two.
On March 23, President…

🦄 Eco

Reclaiming Space in South Africa: I.D Green Camp Gallery

Durban, South Africa – As polar ice caps melt and forests burn there is much uncertainty about what the future holds for the human race. One organization’s response has been to launch a unique experiment unlike any other. In 2012 a man named Xolani Hlongwa…