🦄 COVID-19

The Coronavirus Crisis in Brazil – An Interview with EmiciThug

Espírito Santo, Brazil – With the fastest growing infection rates in the world, the coronavirus outbreak in Brazil is attacking the full spectrum of society. Numbers of confirmed cases are soaring and no one is exempt: from frontline health workers to residents of the favelas…

🦄 COVID-19
image: a protester stands in front of the entrance to the Minnesota state capitol facing the crowd of protesters, who are spaced out physically-distanced from one another by small orange cones. The protester is holding a sign, "NO retaliation, #BringBackCliffAndMonica, Protect Frontline Workers"

Nurses Picket Over Lack of Protection From Ongoing Viral Pandemic

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of medical professionals and supporters held an informational picket demanding their employer Allina Health, along with the Minnesota Department of Health, provide increased personal protective equipment (PPE) “with higher safety standards.” After the May 20 picket outside United Hospital protesters…

🦄 COVID-19
Bicyclists watch a caravan of cars on May Day

Minneapolis May Day Protest Supports Essential Workers

Minneapolis, MN – An autonomous demonstration on International Workers’ Day broke off from a large ‘Cancel Rent’ caravan to show support for essential workers.
Dozens of cars and bicycles drove through downtown Minneapolis in a show of solidarity for striking workers across the world that…

🦄 COVID-19
Image description: a gold minivan is painted with the words "Abolish I.C.E." and "Free Them Now" on the windows and sides of the vehicle. A protester's arm holds a sign aloft outside the passenger window; the sign reads "Abolish ICE"

MN Demonstrations, Demands to Free Prisoners Escalate

Maple Grove, MN – Demonstrators have been ramping up organizing efforts to ensure the safety of incarcerated and detained people during the coronavirus state of emergency. The repeated message is that no imprisoned person deserves to die from COVID–19.

Update: On May 2 we covered…

🦄 COVID-19
Woman has her movement papers checked in Athens, Greece

A Country Quarantined: Coronavirus in Greece, Part 1

Athens, Greece – While their regional neighbor Italy is throttled by the coronavirus pandemic, the country of Greece has been enduring strict quarantine measures, resulting in relatively low numbers of infections. Since the shutdown there’ve been nearly 2,500 confirmed COVID–19 cases with 130 deaths.


🦄 COVID-19

Who’s Calling to ‘Liberate Minnesota’, and Why?

St. Paul, MN – In opposition to the state of Minnesota’s Stay At Home order, over five hundred people protested in front of the Governor’s Residence on Friday, April 17. The protest, called ‘Liberate Minnesota‘, was one in a slew of recent right-wing protests across…

🦄 COVID-19
Image shows two medical personnel wearing full-body personal protective equipment, including blue nitrile gloves, surgical masks, and face shields. The medic on the right is holding a test swab in their right hand and a vial in their left; the person on the left is holding information about the sample.

Living with COVID–19

St. Paul, MN – The scarcity of coronavirus testing in the United States is significantly impacting the country’s ability to combat the spread of COVID–19. Working- and lower-class people can’t get tested unless they are critically ill. Even frontline health care workers experiencing symptoms are…

🦄 COVID-19

Philly Mayor and Judges Pressured To Release Inmates From Jail

Philadelphia, PA – For the second time in a week, protesters have converged on city hall. They are demanding that Mayor Jim Kenney and judges in the First Judicial District move to immediately release prisoners from Philadelphia jails to avoid COVID–19 outbreaks. Several prisoners in…

🦄 COVID-19
a peace sign is shown by a person with a "cancel rent" sign on their car

Calls for Rent and Mortgage Freeze Outside MN Legislature

St. Paul, MN – Dozens of activists held a car demonstration outside of the Minnesota Legislative building as the House went into session on April 14. The protest was pushing for mortgage and rent payment cancellation, keeping public housing public, housing for the unhoused, and…

🦄 COVID-19
3D medical animation of the SARS-CoV-2 new coronavirus structure. On the left is an illustration of the outside of the virion. On the right is a cross-section of the virion, a diagram of its protein spikes, protective coating, and the genetic material protected inside

What Is Coronavirus and How Do Humans Defeat It?

Accompanying worldwide awareness of the COVID–19 pandemic is an understandable fear of the disease as well as misunderstandings of what causes it. Microscopic germs, invisible to the naked eye and which can spread silently from person to person, are the cause of this infectious disease.…

🦄 COVID-19
Image: members of the Puerto Rican National Guard wearing masks, eye protection, and white dust suits screen recently-deboarded passengers from an airplane before permitting them to enter Puerto Rico.

Coronavirus in the Caribbean: COVID–19 Update from Puerto Rico

Guánica, Puerto Rico – The Caribbean archipelago, not yet fully recovered from 2017’s devastating Hurricane Maria, has been experiencing daily tremors for over 95 days on its southern shore. Now, yet another threat is making its way across the main island — the highly-infectious new…

🦄 COVID-19

South Africa Under Lockdown as COVID–19 Spreads

Durban, Kawzulu-Natal, South Africa – On March 5, 2020, South Africa reported its first official case of coronavirus (COVID–19) in the Kwazulu-Natal province. Since then, the virus has expanded into all nine provinces, infecting at least 1,280 people and killing two.
On March 23, President…