🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 16

Ep. 16: #Snowden #NSA #ATT #Windows10 #Surveillance #Whiteclay #SesameStreet #StopWMM #Antifa #ChelseaManning #FightForDyett #SaveDyett #sHellNo #Pentagon #Guantanamo #RadazzHearns #Navajo #DefendDenver #Endegelaende

#Snowden #NSA #ATT | More Snowden documents have thrown a spotlight back onto the NSA’s spying programs using telecommunication giants AT&T and…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 15

Ep. 15: #FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown #Tarnac #EPADisaster #AnimusRiverSpill #AndreGreen #ZacharyHammond #MigrantCrisis #Greece #Chicago #NotMyStonewall #NoPipelines #EminentDomain #NoTarSands
Episode 15:

#FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown | To commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Mike Brown, a weekend of healing, organizing, and actions occured in Ferguson and throughout…

🦄 Community, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Minneapolis Marches for Sandra Bland

On July 31st, 2015, hundreds of Minneapolis residents marched through downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota to raise awareness around the death of Sandra Bland other Black women who died in police custody or were killed by police.
The ‘Sandra Bland Solidarity Action’ was led by Black women…

🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 13

Ep. 13: #Flint #UnistotenCamp #BlackLivesMatter #RexdaleHenry #AETA #AnimalRights #Honduras #DavidRomero #China #HumanRights #Turkey #PKK #NoGMO #ElNino #Aquifer #ShellNo #SamDubose #UrbanFarms #GardeningAsResistance #M4BL

#Flint | Residents in Detroit & Flint march from Detroit to Flint, Michigan to raise awareness, not only about the…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 12

Ep 12: #SandraBland #WhatHappenedToSandraBland #SayHerName #KindraChapman #SamDubose #ColumbiaSC #KKK #MassGraves #WesleyClark #ClimateChange #ProtectOakFlat #SuruçtaKatliamVar #Suruç #Ostula #Michoacan #Mexico #Ukraine #AnonDown #OpAnonDown #Anonymous #DefendDenver #PaulCastaway 

#WhatHappenedToSandraBland #SayHerName #SandraBland | Sandra Bland, a twenty eight year old Illinois woman, on her way to a job…

🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 11

Ep 11: #AnthonyWare #EricGarner #ICantBreathe #PaulCastaway #DefendDenver #SrebrenicaGenocide #Vucic #Netherlands #fracking #NoThirdRunway #KeepItOnGround #Heathrow #aGreekMent #ThisIsACoup #APA #TorturePsychology #ThePirateBay #Ukraine

#AnthonyWare, a 35 year old Tuscaloosa Alabama resident, died from being pepper sprayed by police while they were subduing him in the…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 8

Ep. 8: #FreedomFlotilla #Grexit #CharlestonShooting #TakeDownTheFlag #CharlestonSyllabus #PoliceTerror #TPA #Algae #Hawaii #Pope #Unistoten Interview w/ Standing Fox about #SaveOakFlat –

“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.


🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 7

Ep 7: #DistractinglySexy #OPMhack #TPP #ShellNo #TamirRice #DallasPDshooting #DemouriaHogg #BodyCams Int’l Report, Interviews w/ Alex Landau about Police Brutality & Kurt Hanna on Medical Marijuana in MN –

“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 6

Ep 6: #BlackLivesMatter #EzellFord #JessieHernandez #MarcusGolden #WalterScott #TamirRice #KhaliefBrowder #SkunkWater #BerkeleyPD #StopG7 #Alaska #EPAfrackingRuling #McKinney #MigrantCrisis #StopTarSands –

“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.


“Deprogram” episode…

🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 5

Ep. 5: #TraumaCenterNow #ReclaimThePower #DefendOly #PhXMosque #TISA #FBISkySpies #USAFreedomAct Int’l Report, Interview pt. II w/ Denton Residents about #DefendOurBan #FrackFreeDenton –
“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.

🦄 Police, Protest & Direct Action

Special Report: Chilean Student Movement

Unicorn Riot speaks with Joshua Tucker, who has witnessed the ongoing student protests in Chile. Which last Thursday saw a record number of protestors hit the streets. The police responded with over 214 arrests. The protest swelled after two young student protestors were killed May…

🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 4

Ep. 4: #BreloVerdict #DOJsettlement #SayHerName #BreakTheCurfew #SantaBarbaraOilSpill #TiaMaria #OakFlat #SaveOakFlat Interview w/ Denton Residents about #DefendOurBan #FrackFreeDenton –

“Deprogram”, a live show hosted by Zo and Niko that attempts to examine the roots of the struggles that preside throughout different communities.

“Deprogram” episode 4 featured…