Local community members and allies led by “American Indian Movement” flags marched from Pine Ridge reservation into Nebraska to protest the continued funneling of alcohol from the unincorporated town of Whiteclay.
Members of the Oglala Lakota tribe, which inhabit Pine Ridge, have stated to Unicorn…

The “Malvertising” hack used Yahoo server advertisements to infect computers. The Hack used an unpatched flash exploit to infect Yahoo users computers.
According to a Kapersky Labs, Malvertising is a
“malicious variety of online advertisements generally used to spread malware … While it’s easy to…

We talk to Dustin S. who witnessed the Enbridge eminent domain trial in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Enbridge has being trying to get an easement from Jame’s & Krista Botsford to run an 20 inch oil pipeline called the Sandpiper through their land. The…