At a hot summer meeting on a mostly deserted campus, the “Differences Organized Coalition” of fifteen groups protested University of Minnesota Board of Regents’ proposed tuition hikes, as well as decreasing access for marginalized communities, numerous sports and research scandals, Dinkytown gentrification, and investments with…

Minneapolis, MN – On June 2nd, 2016, concerned citizens with the Committee for Professional Policing formally delivered a large stack of ballot petitions to the City Clerk at the Minneapolis City Hall. After six years, and countless volunteer hours, 12,000 locally gathered signatures are now…

St. Paul, MN – On May 31st, 2016, students from the Pan-African Student Union (PASU) at Central High School in St. Paul organized a walkout and march in protest of police abuse at their school.

Unicorn Riot was able to provide coverage of this event, including monoscopic…