🦄 Global, Police

Police in Brazil Killed Record Amount of People in 2020

An average of 17 people a day, totaling at least 6,416 people, were killed by police in Brazil during the year of 2020. These staggering totals set the highest amount ever recorded since tracking police killings in the country of over 211 million people. The…

🦄 Global, Police

Greek Police Occupy and Desecrate Memorial Site of Teen They Killed

Athens, Greece – On the anniversary of his death, riot police occupied the memorial site and desecrated flowers left for 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was killed by Greek police twelve years earlier. Police made at least 62 arrests in Athens and over 150 across Greece…

🦄 Police

Killed by Police: Thurman Blevins Remembered One Year Later

Minneapolis, MN – Unicorn Riot recently sat down with Darlynn Blevins, sister of 31-year-old father of three, Thurman “June” Blevins, who was killed by Minneapolis police after being shot in the back while running down a North Minneapolis alley on June 23, 2018.

In the…