Enbridge Spills 10,000 Gallons of Line 3 Drilling Fluid
Northern, MN – Canadian oil giant Enbridge is under investigation by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for 28 drilling fluid spills at 12 of their river crossings, totaling to more than 10,000 gallons. In a new report released by the MPCA, the agency outlines spills on dates between June 8, 2021 and August 5, 2021.
In a letter that prompted the report’s creation, 32 MN legislators asked the MPCA to “temporarily suspend the Section 401 Certification and order Enbridge to immediately halt all drilling along the Line 3 route until the state is no longer experiencing drought conditions and until a thorough investigation can be completed by your agency.”
“The severe drought and excessive heat experienced throughout Minnesota impact the ability of waterways, wetlands, and marshes to effectively dilute harmful chemicals and excessive sediment. The drought is also causing rapid evaporation of waterways and could result in a lack of clean water available to assist with any cleanup of spills and releases.”
Letter from 32 Minnesota legislators
The drilling fluid compositions at each of the spill sites were recorded in the report. In addition to water and Barakade Bentonite (a type of clay and mineral mixture), some of the sites used either one or a combination of proprietary chemical solutions such as Power Soda Ash, Sandmaster, EZ Mud Gold, and Power Pac-L.
In their report, the MPCA did not respond to the legislators’ request for the certification suspension, but MPCA Commissioner Peter Tester wrote a preamble in which he attested that drilling fluid spills are in violation of the certification: “I want to be clear that the MPCA’s 401 Water Quality Certification does not authorize any release of drilling fluid to any wetland, river or other surface water.”
The Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification was officially approved by the MPCA on November 12, 2020, and on the same day, a lawsuit was filed to appeal that decision by Red Lake Band of the Chippewa, White Earth Band of Ojibwe, and Indigenous and environmental organizations. More than a year later on February 2, 2021, the Minnesota Court of Appeals denied the appeal.
Continuous fights in court to stop construction go hand-in-hand with on-the-ground action. At the Red Lake Treaty Camp, one of many Line 3 resistance communities in northern MN, water protectors fought back against the Red Lake River drilling which started shortly after the drill arrived on site on July 20, 2021.

Throughout the drilling process, water protectors from other Line 3 resistance communities joined the on-the-ground fight, including on July 29 when for the first time in the Line 3 resistance movement, chemical weapons and rubber bullets were used against water protectors.
Our video below shows some scenes courtesy of Giniw Collective from July 29, and features interviews with Sasha Beaulieu, the Red Lake Tribal Cultural Resource Monitor, and Roy Walks Through Hail, a water protector at the Red Lake Treaty Camp. (Content Advisory for video: police violence.)
Sasha Beaulieu, the Red Lake Tribal Cultural Resource Monitor, kept track of water levels and watched closely for any water contamination, as per her legal rights, but was never allowed by Enbridge, their contract workers, or law enforcement to enter the construction and drilling areas to effectively observe. Under the National Historic Preservation Act, tribal monitors are supposed to be able to supervise construction for the purposes of protecting archaeological sites.
On their website, Enbridge admits that tribal monitors have “the authority to stop construction, and ensure that important cultural resources are protected,” yet Beaulieu was prevented from doing so.

On August 3, water protectors at the Red Lake Treaty Camp took part in ceremony as the drilling was nearing completion. A direct action took place that evening, and water protectors continued rallying near the drill site into the next day. Nineteen arrests were made. In the afternoon on August 4, the Red Lake River crossing was complete.
Enbridge says it completed its drilling for the river crossings and that construction is 80% complete on their new Line 3 tar sands pipeline. Even so, water protectors have not backed down from fights in court or fights on the ground. (The White Earth Nation filed a lawsuit on behalf of wild rice on August 5, 2021; the second “rights of nature” lawsuit ever filed in the country.)
“Water is life. That’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re standing here. Not only for ourselves, but for our future generations, and even the people who don’t understand, we’re here for them, too.”
Roy Walks Through Hail
Feature Image Caption: Yellow containment booms drape across the Clearwater River where a drilling fluid spill occurred. Photo taken July 24, 2021 by Chris Trinh
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Unicorn Riot's Line 3 Oil Pipeline Coverage:
- Landing Page for all Unicorn Riot Line 3 Resistance Coverage
- Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison Speech Disrupted by Water Protectors - October 8, 2021
- Over 50 Line 3 Pipeline Protesters Arrested Outside MN Governor’s Residence - September 22, 2021
- Police Break Up Ceremony and Indigenous-Led #StopLine3 Occupation - August 31, 2021
- Hundreds March from Governor Residence, Urge Chase Bank Defund Line 3 - August 31, 2021
- First Trial from Treaty People Gathering Ends in Acquittal - August 23, 2021
- Line 3 Opponent Sentenced to Thirty Days in Jail - August 19, 2021
- Enbridge Spills 10,000 Gallons of Line 3 Drilling Fluid - August 16, 2021
- Line 3 Fusion Center Data Declared Secret - August 4, 2021
- Judge Orders Sheriff to Halt Harassment of Line 3 Resistance Camp - July 24, 2021
- Water Protectors Occupy Work Sites and Lock Down to Line 3 Pipeline Construction - July 1, 2021
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- Indigenous-Led Blockades Occupy Line 3 Pipeline Sites - June 10, 2021
- Rising Up to the Heat: ‘Treaty People Gathering’ Resists Line 3 Pipeline - June 7, 2021
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- Appealing Line 3 Pipeline: Supply and Demand at Root of Hearing - March 23, 2021
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- Treaty Rights Asserted During Creation of White Earth Camp - March 13, 2021
- 70 Water Protectors Cited, 1 Arrested During Line 3 Commemorative Rally - March 4, 2021
- Bipod and Car Blockade Jam Up Line 3 Construction - March 2, 2021
- Three Lock Down Inside Line 3 Pipeline For 6+ Hours - Feb. 21, 2021
- Lockdown to Keep it in the Ground: Line 3 Resistance - Feb. 15, 2021
- Court of Appeals Denies Motion to Stop Line 3 - Feb. 3, 2021
- Opposition to Line 3 Mounts - Jan. 29, 2021
- Resistance to Line 3: Direct Actions Aim to Stop Construction - Jan. 11, 2021
- Enbridge Line 3 Construction Blocked by Activists in Northern Minnesota - Nov. 18, 2020
- Protests After Permits for Line 3 Oil Pipeline Approved - Nov. 17, 2020
- ‘No KKKops, No Pipelines’ Banner Dropped in Minneapolis - Oct. 6, 2020
- “Divest from Climate Change!” Chase Bank Branch Protested on Opening Day - Nov. 7, 2019
- March to Protect The Sacred on Indigenous People’s Day 2019 - Oct. 14, 2019
- Hundreds Rally in Opposition to Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline in Minnesota - Sept. 28, 2019
- Direct Action in Minnesota as Line 3 Pipeline Approval Reversed - June 3, 2019
- Multi-Agency Task Force Prepares “Rules of Engagement” For Line 3 Protests - Feb. 11, 2019
- ‘Valve Turners’ Shut Down Enbridge Oil Pipelines in Minnesota - Feb. 4, 2019
- Arts, Culture, and Hip Hop Resist Line 3 as Lawsuits Against Approval Continue - Dec. 29, 2018
- Minnesota Police Train at Military Base as Line 3 Pipeline Protests Escalate - Oct. 25, 2018
- Judge Accepts Water Protectors’ Climate Change Necessity Defense - July 18, 2018
- Line 3 Oil Pipeline Approved By Minnesota Regulators - June 28, 2018
- As Line 3 Oil Pipeline Decision Looms, Indigenous Resistance Increases - June 26, 2018
- Interfaith Community Delivers Letter of Line 3 Opposition to Minnesota Government Offices - June 4, 2018
- Minnesota Public Utilities Commission Requests Line 3 Schedule Change - Jan. 10, 2018
- Rally Against Line 3 Minnesota Pipe Yards - Dec. 11, 2017
- Resistance to Line 3 Pipeline Seeks to Save Sacred Manoomin - Oct. 9, 2017
- Direct Action Ramps Up Resistance to Line 3 - Sept. 18, 2017
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