๐Ÿฆ„ Eco

Thousands Rally for #COP21 Protest in Paris

As the final day of the #COP21 began, over 15,000 protesters met at the Arc du Triomphe in Paris, France to demand real climate solutions.

Police blockade roads around #Redlines #COP21 #D12 protest in Paris pic.twitter.com/SJJPgtXj3T
โ€” Unicorn Riot (@UR_Ninja) December 12, 2015

We are…

๐Ÿฆ„ Arts & Culture, Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 28

Ep. 28: #Mizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 #BlackOnCampus #ClimateChange #KeystoneXL #Enbridge #Hackers #CWA #Anonymous #Securus #PrisonMonitoring #MMM2015 #CopsLie #BlackLivesMatter #Turkey #Silvan #SilvanUnderAttack #Palestine #Justice4KeithLamar

For episode 28 of Deprogram we start at the University of Missouri, where a hunger strike to combat the systemic racial injustices on…

๐Ÿฆ„ Eco

Southside Chicago Marches for Environmental Justice

Written by Lorenzo Serna of Unicorn Riot
On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015, I arrived in Southside Chicago to cover a march against industries destroying the local community’s air quality. I had just left Duluth where activists entered an Enbridge office and protested Enbridge’s push to…

๐Ÿฆ„ Arts & Culture, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 27

Ep. 27: #Scumoween #BlackLivesMatter #Austin #LarryJackson #StLouis #KajiemePowell #StopTheCops #FundBlackFutures #TurkeyVotes #TurkeyElections #Australia #AsylumSeekers #EvrosFence #OpenEUborders #RefugeesGr #Sweden #Malmรถ #Colectiv #Romania #KeystoneXL #DumpDominion #ClimateGames #COP21 #FreeJessieB #StopEnbridge #BareBones

Because of technical difficulties the show was split into segments:

For the first “Deprogram” episode in November,…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Protest & Direct Action

Enbridge Office Flooded With Protesters During Direct Action Against Tar Sands Pipelines; Seven Arrested

Duluth, MN – Nov. 2, 2015. A rally in Duluth agitated against pipeline construction and demanded full Tribal consultation regarding these dangerous projects. Many groups are rallying to resist the construction of more dirty pipelines across northern Minnesota and beyond. UnicornRiot.ninja had reporters onsite and…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 25

Ep. 25: #DronePapers #StLouis #WhoIsBurningBlackChurches #CoreyJones #BlackLivesMatter #ToroDeLaVega #Anonymous #LibertadHactivistas #Hambach #Germany #Xenophobia #RefugeeCrisis #FortressEurope #Palestine #FeesMustFall #NationalShutDown #BaltimoreUprising

After the rundown and music video, we had the pleasure to speak with Ralikh Hayes of Baltimore Bloc, an organizing collective in Baltimore.
Deprogram is a…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 24

Ep. 24: #Ankara #AnkaraBombing #MatthewKeys #Anonymous #FBI #DoJ #Police #MatthewAjibade #TPP #TPIP #Berlin #Manif7Oct #Brussels #Exxon #IndigenousPeoplesDay #ColumbusDay #Flint #FlintWater #Nicaragua #InternationalReport

After the rundown and music video, we had the 8th installment of our International Report, which brought us news from #Accra #Ghana #Thailand…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 23

Ep. 23: #NSA #GCHQ #TPP #AirFrance #Kunduz #Calais #NoBorders #HaciBirlik #Turkey #Brazil #ClimateChange #MMIW #Palestine #DariusPinex #SouthCarolina #SCFloods #IndigenousResistance #Surveillance #Encryption

After the 12 topic rundown and music video, we had two interviews. In the first interview, we were graced with the presence of Kanahus…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 22

Ep. 22: #OpNimr #Anonymous #PirateBay #SnowdenTreaty #ShellNo #FloodTheSystem #FWSW #Catalonia #RefugeesWelcome #KarmaPolice #LasBambas #COP21 #DirtBoxes #Surveillance

After the rundown and the music video, we conducted two interviews.

The first interview was with Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof about stingrays and surveillance:

The second interview was with…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Eco

Pipeline Politics in the Syrian Civil War

Oil politics in the Syrian civil war is a complex web of money deception and proxy war. What began as non-violent grassroots rebellion against Bashar al Assad and the Syrian state has morphed into a complex proxy war involving countless factions and alliances competing for…

๐Ÿฆ„ Community, Eco, Social Control

South Minneapolis Creates Free Organic Market

Minneapolis, MN – On September 19th we met up with Fernanda Hart, the CANDO Sustainability & Food Access organizer, to learn about a project called “Plant-Grow-Share.”

We spent the day biking through the Central neighborhood of South Minneapolis, following handmade maps with the safest, quickest…

๐Ÿฆ„ Eco, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 18

#Germany #Greece #EU #FBI #Drones #NorthDakota #ClimateChaos #GLACIER #ArcticDrilling #sHellNo #JamychealMitchell #BaltimoreUprising #AllenBullock #FreddieGray #G20Toronto #Ukraine #JeremyHammond #SolitaryConfinement


๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 17

Ep. 17: #StockMarkets #ChinaMeltdown #NYSE #Stingrays #MansurBallBey #BlackLivesMatter #Macedonia #Greece #RefugeeCrisis #Nauen #Heidenau #YouStink #Beirut #ClimateChange #COP21 #China #AirPollution #MidwestUnrest #MinneapolisPolice

#China #NYSE | This past Monday China’s stock market took a free fall, diving 8.5% and losing all of its 2015 gains.…

๐Ÿฆ„ Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 16

Ep. 16: #Snowden #NSA #ATT #Windows10 #Surveillance #Whiteclay #SesameStreet #StopWMM #Antifa #ChelseaManning #FightForDyett #SaveDyett #sHellNo #Pentagon #Guantanamo #RadazzHearns #Navajo #DefendDenver #Endegelaende

#Snowden #NSA #ATT | More Snowden documents have thrown a spotlight back onto the NSA’s spying programs using telecommunication giants AT&T and…

๐Ÿฆ„ Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 15

Ep. 15: #FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown #Tarnac #EPADisaster #AnimusRiverSpill #AndreGreen #ZacharyHammond #MigrantCrisis #Greece #Chicago #NotMyStonewall #NoPipelines #EminentDomain #NoTarSands
Episode 15:

#FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown | To commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Mike Brown, a weekend of healing, organizing, and actions occured in Ferguson and throughout…

๐Ÿฆ„ Eco

Super Typhoon Soudelor Slams Into Taiwan – Deprogram Ep. 14

Super Typhoon #Soudelor is a category 5 typhoon. The Typhoon’s strength is attributed to the “Godzilla el nino” formation in the Pacific Ocean. Warm waters have strengthened Pacific storms. There is worry as the Typhoon bares down on Taiwan and the Chinese coast.…