Sale Creek, TN – Following the disastrous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August 2017, the white supremacist movement in the United States fractured into various smaller groups. One of the groups, the National Socialist Legion (NSL), has emerged more recently, founded by former…

Big Sandy Lake, MN – Descendants, relatives, and people from all walks of life have come to Big Sandy Lake, Minnesota for the last two decades to commemorate the catastrophic Sandy Lake Tragedy of 1850, in which over 400 indigenous Anishinaabeg people died from U.S.…

San Francisco, CA – Oral arguments began Friday morning in San Francisco Superior Court where “weed Nazi”, Bethany Sherman, is seeking to unmask anonymous antifascist researchers for publishing articles outing her as a neo-Nazi. Sherman had been the CEO of OG Analytical, a legal cannabis…