Ep. 23: #NSA #GCHQ #TPP #AirFrance #Kunduz #Calais #NoBorders #HaciBirlik #Turkey #Brazil #ClimateChange #MMIW #Palestine #DariusPinex #SouthCarolina #SCFloods #IndigenousResistance #Surveillance #Encryption

After the 12 topic rundown and music video, we had two interviews. In the first interview, we were graced with the presence of Kanahus…

Ep. 22: #OpNimr #Anonymous #PirateBay #SnowdenTreaty #ShellNo #FloodTheSystem #FWSW #Catalonia #RefugeesWelcome #KarmaPolice #LasBambas #COP21 #DirtBoxes #Surveillance

After the rundown and the music video, we conducted two interviews.

The first interview was with Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof about stingrays and surveillance:

The second interview was with…

On September 24, 2015, the Anarchist Black Cross along with other political prisoner support groups from across North America held an annual panel discussion called β€œResisting Repression from the Inside Out: Former Prisoners Speak.”

Held at the Tivoli Student Union in Denver, the panel featured…