On Friday, August 27th, the Black Liberation Project organized a protest against Whole Foods dubbed “Whole Frauds”, spotlighting Whole Foods’ use of prison labor. The actions took place simultaneously in two different locations; Calhoun Commons in St. Louis Park, and the Grand Avenue Whole Foods…

#Germany #Greece #EU #FBI #Drones #NorthDakota #ClimateChaos #GLACIER #ArcticDrilling #sHellNo #JamychealMitchell #BaltimoreUprising #AllenBullock #FreddieGray #G20Toronto #Ukraine #JeremyHammond #SolitaryConfinement


In August of 2015, a group by the name of “Minnesota 10,000 for Southern Heritage”, received a permit to rally at the capitol in support of the confederate flag.

A facebook event to counter-protest the permitted confederate flag rally, named Unity Against White Supremacy &…