Minneapolis, MN – An armed security force, the MN Freedom Fighters, are now a regular sight providing security at protests and patrolling Broadway Avenue.
It started via a call out for a community patrol group for the Northside from Minneapolis NAACP’s President, Leslie Redmond, a…

Fargo, ND – After years of ongoing litigation surrounding the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), today District Judge James Boasberg ordered that the pipeline be shut down and emptied of oil within 30 days. Boasberg’s shutdown order is intended to last until the Army Corps…

Minneapolis, MN – Nekeya Moody, a 37-year-old mother of five, died after a struggle with Ramsey County Sheriffs in February 2020. Moody’s sister said she laid unresponsive and lacking medical care for 10 minutes. Today, July 5, Nekeya Moody would’ve turned 38.

On June 19,…