🦄 Police

Unarmed Man in Moving Vehicle Shot & Killed by Aurora Police in Denver Chase, Violating Policy

Update (December 24, 2015) – The Denver Post has identified the deceased as Chan Lieth, a 25-year-old black man who graduated from Cherry Creek High School in 2010.
Denver, CO – As a year marked by controversial high-profile police shootings draws to a close,…

🦄 Community, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

#Justice4Jamar Camp Expands; Minneapolis Residents Block I-94; Unicorn Riot Reporter & 40+ Others Arrested

Minneapolis, MN – After an array of organizers from concerned community members to Black Lives Matter Minneapolis to the Black Liberation Project spontaneously organized the #4thPrecinctShutDown, donations from the extended community poured in along with the rain and a furthered determination to stay. Here are…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 28

Ep. 28: #Mizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 #BlackOnCampus #ClimateChange #KeystoneXL #Enbridge #Hackers #CWA #Anonymous #Securus #PrisonMonitoring #MMM2015 #CopsLie #BlackLivesMatter #Turkey #Silvan #SilvanUnderAttack #Palestine #Justice4KeithLamar

For episode 28 of Deprogram we start at the University of Missouri, where a hunger strike to combat the systemic racial injustices on…

🦄 Arts & Culture, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 27

Ep. 27: #Scumoween #BlackLivesMatter #Austin #LarryJackson #StLouis #KajiemePowell #StopTheCops #FundBlackFutures #TurkeyVotes #TurkeyElections #Australia #AsylumSeekers #EvrosFence #OpenEUborders #RefugeesGr #Sweden #Malmö #Colectiv #Romania #KeystoneXL #DumpDominion #ClimateGames #COP21 #FreeJessieB #StopEnbridge #BareBones

Because of technical difficulties the show was split into segments:

For the first “Deprogram” episode in November,…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 25

Ep. 25: #DronePapers #StLouis #WhoIsBurningBlackChurches #CoreyJones #BlackLivesMatter #ToroDeLaVega #Anonymous #LibertadHactivistas #Hambach #Germany #Xenophobia #RefugeeCrisis #FortressEurope #Palestine #FeesMustFall #NationalShutDown #BaltimoreUprising

After the rundown and music video, we had the pleasure to speak with Ralikh Hayes of Baltimore Bloc, an organizing collective in Baltimore.
Deprogram is a…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 24

Ep. 24: #Ankara #AnkaraBombing #MatthewKeys #Anonymous #FBI #DoJ #Police #MatthewAjibade #TPP #TPIP #Berlin #Manif7Oct #Brussels #Exxon #IndigenousPeoplesDay #ColumbusDay #Flint #FlintWater #Nicaragua #InternationalReport

After the rundown and music video, we had the 8th installment of our International Report, which brought us news from #Accra #Ghana #Thailand…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 22

Ep. 22: #OpNimr #Anonymous #PirateBay #SnowdenTreaty #ShellNo #FloodTheSystem #FWSW #Catalonia #RefugeesWelcome #KarmaPolice #LasBambas #COP21 #DirtBoxes #Surveillance

After the rundown and the music video, we conducted two interviews.

The first interview was with Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof about stingrays and surveillance:

The second interview was with…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 21

Ep. 21: #AIDS #KimDotCom #Anonymous #Vietnam #Surveillance #BlackLivesMatter #FightForDyett #FireDanteServin #RekiaBoyd #SayHerName #Palestine #AlAqsa #GreekElections #PavlosFyssas #RefugeesGr #RefugeesWelcome #Volkswagen #Japan #TyphoonEtau #DSEI #Dismaland

We covered two of our latest videos during Episode 21:
“South Minneapolis Creates Free Organic Market“:

“Protesters Shine a Light on Denver…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 17

Ep. 17: #StockMarkets #ChinaMeltdown #NYSE #Stingrays #MansurBallBey #BlackLivesMatter #Macedonia #Greece #RefugeeCrisis #Nauen #Heidenau #YouStink #Beirut #ClimateChange #COP21 #China #AirPollution #MidwestUnrest #MinneapolisPolice

#China #NYSE | This past Monday China’s stock market took a free fall, diving 8.5% and losing all of its 2015 gains.…

🦄 Community, Eco, Police, Prison, Protest & Direct Action, Social Control

Deprogram: Episode 16

Ep. 16: #Snowden #NSA #ATT #Windows10 #Surveillance #Whiteclay #SesameStreet #StopWMM #Antifa #ChelseaManning #FightForDyett #SaveDyett #sHellNo #Pentagon #Guantanamo #RadazzHearns #Navajo #DefendDenver #Endegelaende

#Snowden #NSA #ATT | More Snowden documents have thrown a spotlight back onto the NSA’s spying programs using telecommunication giants AT&T and…

🦄 Borders & Migration, Community, Eco, Police, Protest & Direct Action

Deprogram: Episode 15

Ep. 15: #FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown #Tarnac #EPADisaster #AnimusRiverSpill #AndreGreen #ZacharyHammond #MigrantCrisis #Greece #Chicago #NotMyStonewall #NoPipelines #EminentDomain #NoTarSands
Episode 15:

#FergusonRemembers #MoralMonday #HighwayShutdown | To commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Mike Brown, a weekend of healing, organizing, and actions occured in Ferguson and throughout…