Cambridge, MA – Over the weekend of March 19-20, 2016, hundreds of technologists and digital activists gathered at MIT’s modern Stata Center for #Libreplanet 2016. This year, Libreplanet featured sessions on the latest turns in the free software world, including case studies, emerging battle-lines of…

Minneapolis, MN – On March 15th, 2016 white-supremacist Allen Lance Scarsella appeared in court for being the shooter of 5 unarmed Black protestors at the #Justice4Jamar protests in late November 2015. His case was continued until June 13, giving Scarsella’s side time to review evidence.…

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016, faculty, staff, and students assembled at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo under a heavy police presence. The assembly was called to discuss the demands brought forward during a two week strike in the beginning…