Washington, D.C. – One year after the deadly Unite The Right rally brought hundreds of violent white supremacists to Charlottesville, Virginia, Jason Kessler, the rally’s organizer held an anniversary event with a fraction of the original’s attendance. While many white supremacist and neo-nazi groups are…

Charlottesville, VA – During our reporting on the neo-nazi Unite The Right rally in August 2017, Unicorn Riot obtained and published the contents of a Discord chat server used to plan the event. Discord, a free text and voice chat program marketed for gamers, was…

Portland, OR – On Saturday, August 4, 2018, weeks of far-right agitation culminated in a tense standoff between a few hundred supporters of the Patriot Prayer and several thousand anti-racist counter-protesters. The rally came just a month after events on June 30, when another Patriot…