St. Paul, MN – Thousands converged on the Minnesota State Capitol grounds on August 25 to demand that construction on the contentious Line 3 tar sands pipeline be stopped. A massive police response greeted the water protectors who held ceremony, set tipis up and attempted…

St. Paul, MN – On August 16, hundreds of water protectors gathered in front of the Minnesota Governor’s Residence demanding Gov. Walz put a stop to construction on Enbridge’s new Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline that’s nearing completion in Northern Minnesota. The action then…

Time and time again millions of Brazilians go back to the streets to protest against misgovernance. Rocked by the shouts of “Fora Bolsonaro” (Bolsonaro out) and opposing shouts of “Olê, olá, Lula, Lula,” around 500 Brazilian cities, including all the capitals and another 17 countries…